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Guidelines for assignment writing: The preparation phase The first step in c

July 8, 2024

Guidelines for assignment writing:
The preparation phase
The first step in compiling an assignment is to study the formulated title carefully to ascertain exactly what it entails. You must therefore analyse the key concepts in the title.
Take the following hypothetical example of an assignment: Explain the nature and characteristics of burglary (housebreaking) as a property crime. When you study the title, pay attention to key concepts such as burglary and property crime.
The second step in the initial phase is to make sure you understand the verb properly (‘important terms’). In our example above, the word “explain” means that you need to show that you understand something- both the “how” and the “why”. Examples are compulsory. You should also take into consideration the length and marks allocated for the assignment.
The third step in the initial phase involves skimming through the tutorial matter during which you must ascertain the scope of information provided by the study material.
The fourth step entails library work: searching for sources (books, scientific journals, the internet and so forth). These will provide more scientific data on the topic.
Data collection
During this phase you should follow the usual literature study procedure. First trace appropriate sources (books or scientific journals) covering the relevant key concepts. This means searching for books with titles in which these core concepts appear. Thus, in our example, you will search for titles in which the term “housebreaking” appears.
Use at least three (3) additional sources which should not be older than ten (10) years.
Consult the table of contents and particularly the subject and author indexes at the back of the book. The author index provides the names of all the authors (researchers) consulted for research in that particular book. The subject index, in turn, lists important subjects touched on in the book. By consulting the author index, one learns the names of prominent authors in this field and can try and trace some of their works. The subject index will reveal how much detail a book goes into about housebreaking, and this will determine whether borrow the book from the library.
The third step is to skim through the sources you have selected. This means a cursory reading of the relevant section of the book. This will give you an overall picture of the topics dealt with.
Fourthly, on the strength of this skim reading, draw up a preliminary scheme. This scheme (comprising possible subheadings) serves as the framework for data collection. A hypothetical example of the scheme of work would look something like this:
Cover page: Title of assignment, Module code, name, and student number
Definition of key concepts
Property crimes
General characteristics of burglary
Target selection
Motives for burglary
Concluding remarks
Once you have compiled your preliminary scheme, you can start collecting data in earnest.
The fifth step is to write down the subheadings (on separate sheets of paper) and start working through the books dealing with a specific subheading. Jot down all the relevant information as you go along. Continue in this way until you have noted down all possible information on the subject. Those of you with personal computers know how easy it is to complete this stage of your research with the aid of a word processor. During this stage, note possible amendments in your preliminary scheme. The literature may help you to add new subheadings.
Scientific presentation of essay-type assignments (25-mark questions)
An assignment is a scientific document and, therefore, must comply with scientific requirements. It must be systematic, present a logical argument and be verifiable by the reader. Your essay should comply with the following:
Provide every assignment with a cover page (title page), denoting the title of the assignment. Use the exact words as formulated in your tutorial letters for each assignment.
Table of contents
Furnish a complete table of contents on a separate page. A table of contents should reflect the headings and subheadings in the assignment, as well as the page numbers.
The introduction should not exceed a page. You should orientate the reader to the subject in a few paragraphs. State the problem and how you are going to approach it.
Definition of key concepts
Define the key concepts under a separate heading. The concepts to be defined are derived from the title and main headings of the assignment. For this purpose, it is imperative to consult a proper dictionary or textbook on the subject. You should quote specific definitions and describe, in your own words, the meaning you attach to the concept for the purpose of the assignment. (Your own definition of the concept is called an operational definition.) To define a concept means to precisely state the meaning or essence of the concept.
Presentation of the subject
The body of the assignment consists of a discussion of the subject according to the scheme or guidelines provided in Tutorial Letter 101 for the specific assignment. Formulate your own headings and subheadings.
Replication of the study guide
Try not to replicate the contents of the study guide too much. Rather try to use your own words as much as possible. Do not adhere slavishly to the study guide, especially as regards headings and examples. The study guide should only be used as a guide.
Quoting directly from the study guide/literature
It is unethical to quote passages directly from the study guide/literature, especially if you omit to acknowledge your source. It makes it impossible for lecturers to evaluate your insight in and knowledge of the subject.
General presentation
Your presentation should not be incoherent, as this makes it difficult to follow the logic of the discussion. Try to present your discussion in a logical order.
Deviating from the subject
Do not deviate from the subject. Discuss only the relevant facts and beware of generalising. Remember, you are undertaking a scientific discussion. Avoid a sensational or journalistic approach in your presentation.
You should arrive at a logical conclusion, a summary of what was discussed in the assignment. Do not introduce any new arguments in the conclusion. At this stage it is also very important to express your own viewpoint on the subject.
Style of writing
The following suggestions can be used as a guideline:
Try to develop a fluent style of writing. Avoid long, complicated sentences and paragraphs. Alternate reasonably long sentences with shorter ones. Avoid using the same word or expression frequently and unnecessarily. Do not start each sentence the same way. Each paragraph should contain only one main theme. Be systematic in the discussion of the subject. Try to mention essential facts only and state your argument clearly. Use your own words as far as possible. Avoid copying your source of information word-for-word. You may quote a sentence or short paragraph, however, to prove your point or illustrate a statement. In such cases you must acknowledge your source of information and insert double quotation marks.
Length of assignment
The assignments should be at least seven (7) pages of content, but not exceed ten (10) pages (excluding the cover page and list of references). It is extremely important to adhere to the limit set for the assignment. Learn to present only the relevant facts and restrict yourself to the required limit, otherwise you may encounter problems in the examination.
Documentation and technical care
Documentation is an extremely important part of an assignment. You will be penalised if the assignment lacks proper documentation and technical care. If you type your assignment, use 1.5-line spacing, the font and size must be Aerial 12 and justify the text. Justified text gives your document clean, crisp edges so it looks more polished!
In-text references and bibliography
The bibliography consists of a list of sources, which you have personally consulted. Please consult Tutorial Letter SCHJALL/301 on myUnisa under official study material for correct referencing techniques. The sources should:
not be numbered/bulleted.
be arranged in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors.

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