2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts, and welcome at least

June 15, 2024

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts, and welcome at least three of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Include the following in your replies:
What differences did you note between your selected model and that of your classmate? (see attachment for my module)
Considering your classmate’s choice of model, do you think it is relevant to their current or future career? Why, or why not?
First Classmate:
I choose Psychology due to my issues with my spine but before that came into play my mother had a bestfriend named Linda that worked for Tinker Airforce base in the kids development center. She was partially why I wanted to be a Doctor in the field and I also just wanted to always help people find ways to work through their problems. My family ranged in all types of medicine starting at CNA’s all the way to people that develop prosthetic body parts to every other field that you can imagine. It was never a short on family that gave you ideas of what medicine does and how it impacts the lives of the ones around them.
In the idiographic approach William McKinley Runyan (1988) that is a symbolism to bringing back personality psychologists of Kluckhohn and Murray’s (1953) classic assertion is one that I would like to learn more about. The models of personality has been one of my interest at this point due to the way people respond to the same scenarios just with different individuals. 
Second Classmate:
The model of openness is the Personality model that I am interested in. When an individual is open to experiences it depicts a personality trait indicating a want to explore new ideas and experiences (Cloninger. 2019). Openness is affiliated with the Big Five Personality theory. A person with high levels of openness has enthusiasm for discovering new ideas, motivated by a strong desire to obtain knowledge and continue learning. Learning more about openness would benefit me in my teaching career because openness would help me better understand why individuals develop, grow, adapt, and learn over their lifetime.  
Cloninger, S. (2019). Theories of personality: Understanding persons (7th ed.) [Custom]. Pearson. 
Third Classmate:
I am re-entering the educational platform for career advancement after over twenty (20) years of being solely in the work force. I graduated in 2001 with a bachelor’s in science degree in Cognitive Science at the University of California, Irvine. I had always hoped to pursue graduate studies one day, so I am grateful for the opportunity to finally secure the commitment. My motto is it’s never too late. I believe effective time management will be of the essence for preparation to properly balance full-time work coupled with my educational goals.
I am particularly interested and fascinated in attachment theory research and how attachment theories in childhood have predicted the dynamics of how one navigates human relationships in adulthood and how one’s personality is formed based on early attachments. Erikson ‘s psychosocial theory describes life stages that build a hierarchy of development and contribute to personality development that is also influenced by environment and culture (Cloninger, 2019). If one stage is not successfully completed, it can be attributed to struggles in the next stage of development. I am curious to learn further how personality is affected by the various stages.
Cloninger, S. (2019). Theories of personality: Understanding persons (7th ed.). Pearson.
Required Resources
Cloninger, S. (2019). Theories of personality: Understanding persons (7th ed.) [Custom]. Pearson.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Personality Theory

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