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Goal of Assignment 4: Using all LOs concepts and ideas covered in Unit 4, develo

April 29, 2024

Goal of Assignment 4: Using all LOs concepts and ideas covered in Unit 4, develop a reflection where you analyze yourself as a Complex (Social) System embedded in other Complex (Social) Systems. Reflect on your own thoughts, feelings, and actions (metacognition), obtain accurate self-knowledge about your strengths and weaknesses (self-appraisal), identify biases that undermine accurate self-knowledge (e.g., positivity bias), think about your habits and mindsets, and how complex social systems influence what you think, feel, and do.
Note that while you are being asked to engage in reflection, this assignment should not be written like a personal diary or journal. Instead, use this as an opportunity to engage in a professional self-appraisal.
​Step 1: Introduction
Think back to a situation where you were EITHER a leader or a team player and did NOT perform especially well in this role. The situation can be from university, a team sport, family or friendship context, work, or any other setting. Start off by explaining the situation.
Step 2: Conduct your System Analysis #SystemAnalysis
Then present a #SystemAnalysis. Remember to include a multi-level analysis that identifies the (group) agents, their behavior, relationships, and interactions on all levels, as well as the system feature at a specific level of analysis for that situation.
​Step 3: Explain your Behavior #BehaviorExplanation
Explain why you behaved the way you did. Make sure you identify the multi-causal relations and feedback loops that influenced your behavior. In this section, do not focus on speculating on why others behaved the way they did.
Step 4: Reflect and Apply Core Concepts #Selfawareness
Accurately reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in this situation. You must apply at least four concepts from Unit 4 in this section to demonstrate reflexivity and an accurate understanding of the course concepts. Based on your reflection and application of core concepts, develop two ways you can optimize your future behavior in similar situations. This advice should be actionable that is relevant to your leadership or teamwork skills. Remember to compose a conclusion of the whole paper in a paragraph at the end of the paper.
Step 5: APA-Style #Professionalism
Do not seek out external resources for this assignment. Your goal is to demonstrate mastery of the course materials from Unit 4.
Create an APA-style title page. These pages do not count toward your word limit. The title page should be in the student format, found here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa_sample_paper.html
Please note that you should adhere to APA Style & Format throughout your paper. This includes but is not limited to one space between sentences, indenting paragraphs, and utilizing leveled headings.
Additional Information
Make sure you draw your #audience’s attention to your BEST applications of the LOs by adding footnotes to your assignment. In the footnote, provide the hashtag of the LO with two to four sentences explaining your application.
Include a word count at the end of your main document (before the reference page). The word count excludes the title page, footnotes, and reference page.
Make sure you proofread and check your assignment before submitting it.
Utilize the CIS Academic Excellence Hub to get support on things like grammar, professional writing, and APA style.
Review your lab materials to apply what you learned about APA style, and check this website for additional support with APA style: https://apastyle.apa.org/
Quotes may not be used in this assignment.
All referenced material should be paraphrased in your own words.
As you prepare your assignment, use this as an opportunity to meet with your instructor during office hours or by appointment.
Assignment Information
900-1000 words. Please indicate the total word count for your assignment at the end.
Learning Outcomes Added
Professionalism: Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines and use a careful editing process.
SystemAnalysis: Analyze and apply decompositions of systems into constituent parts at multiple levels of analysis.
BehaviorExplanation: Analyze the relations among interacting motivating factors that shape behavior.
Selfawareness: Identify and monitor your strengths and weaknesses; mitigate behaviors and habits that impair effective performance.

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