Gatsby Essay Instructions
Mention title (underline book titles when handwriting; italicize book titles when typing) and author in first sentence of your essay.
Give an overall plot summary of the book. Remember to keep it brief and to the point. Do this in only a few sentences (don’t go into too much detail), but be sure to describe the overall plot.
End with your thesis statement that mentions the three characters from the book that you view as morally flawed
Body Paragraphs (You will have three body paragraphs – each for a different character)
Begin with a transition word and a topic sentence that describes the personality of the character you are writing about.
Describe the character physically (according to the book, not the movie!)
Trace the character’s development throughout the book in chronological order.
Include relevant evidence from the book to support your topic sentence.
Use a combination of things the character did and things the character said as you describe the character’s development from the beginning to end of the book. If you quote dialogue, you must follow the rules for doing so (dialogue itself is enclosed in single quotation marks)
Do not quote evidence directly from the book without following it with a sentence of your own that explains how that evidence supports the character’s personality. In other words, use the evidence from the book to support your ideas, and always follow evidence with your own commentary.
End with a sentence that summarizes the character you are writing about.
Restate your thesis statement in a different way than in your introduction (be sure to mention all three characters)
Summarize your essay’s main points briefly
End with a concluding statement about the book as a whole. The best literary analysis essays hint at the novel’s universal truth: a reason this book might resonate with people of all backgrounds and cultures.
No first person (I, me, my opinion, etc.)
Citations with page numbers from quoted text are required
Evidence should be presented chronologically; you should carefully construct a solid case against the character with multiple facts from the story that prove them to be morally corrupt.
Check grammar and spelling carefully before submitting – it counts!
Great Gatsby Charcter and Settings Notes :
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Password – Lakeside2021
Here is the Link to the Audio Book:
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