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Gap in service Topic: Mental health treatment and lack of access to care. That i

April 29, 2024

Gap in service Topic: Mental health treatment and lack of access to care.
That is the focus of the essay i have attached the prior section of the essay to this and i need section two of the paper completed .
Proposed Solution – Describe in detail the proposed solution demonstrating how you applied multiple data points and supporting evidence to resolve the priority need based on the identified gap. Explain the essential benefits and risks of the proposed solution. You want to be sure anyone reading the White Paper can quickly locate these pros and cons. Be honest and strive to include ideas professionally to move the reader to a deeper level of interest and potential action to be part of the solution.
Considerations – For financial, policy, legal and ethical components of the problem and the proposed solution.
Financial – Consider costs for design, prototypes, training, and resources (physical and human capital). Remember, if you need to ask for financial support or more resources this effort will take time to gain approval and funding
Policy – Consider applicability to existing policies and the need to create new policies. Remember, policy creation, and consent can be a lengthy process requiring levels approval
Legal – Consider if the proposed solution violates legal parameters. A legal barrier to implementation could be permanent and negate the proposed solution
Ethical – Consider if the proposed solution violates ethical parameters. For example, if the solution involves a task which is out of the nursing scope or practice or violates the Code of Ethics, this issue could provide a permanent barrier to implementation
Phases of Implementation and Stakeholders – View this example where writers chose a visual representation of a proposed implementation plan specific to the leaders within an organization. The authors of the white paper recognized the need to gain the attention and buy-in of critical stakeholders quickly to facilitate those groups reading further in the document. Next, the authors described in greater detail the plan to manage human resources available for implementation Click for more options .
Stakeholders – Describe strategies for collaboration with external and internal stakeholders. Remember, the white paper is your opportunity to gain buy-in from stakeholders critical to the success of the implementation and sustainability of the proposed solution.
SMART Goals in Timeline – Goals for the implementation must be written in the SMART format, including language which is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Creation of specific and quantifiable goals are essential to the creation of a realistic, effective plan for evaluation.
Timeline – You must establish specific timeframes for parts of the implementation plan, including the time to completion for each segment and a due date for each deliverable or process.
I have attached the section one of the paper for refrence its mine 
example of another students:
Diabetes Prevalence in the American Indian Population
Proposed Solution
Addressing social determinants of health that have an adverse effect on health outcomes is a complex process that requires the discipline and commitment of interdisciplinary teams (Warne & Wescott, 2019). To begin, the AI community must be involved in the establishment of the proposed solution. Making assumptions about what resources the AI community needs to reduce diabetes prevalence may be harmful and ignorant. Rather, we should include members of the AI community to ensure we are properly addressing relevant issues within the community. This will ensure the proposed solution is culturally competent and respectful to tribal members.
Additionally, federally funded programs, such as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), must become more widely available to the AI population (Warne & Wescott, 2019). This will allow impoverished women and children to receive access to nutritious foods, which will reduce the risk of obesity and support cardiovascular health (Warne & Wescott, 2019). Additionally, these women will receive education and resources on the benefits of breastfeeding (Warne & Wescott, 2019). 
Solving the population health challenge of substance abuse will require community outreach programs and interdisciplinary collaboration amongst public health officials, medical systems, healthcare providers, and more (Warne & Wescott, 2019). Drug addiction and recovery programs must become more accessible on AI reservations to promote participation, accountability, and camaraderie (Warne & Wescott, 2019). Additionally, public health officials must make Narcan (the opioid-reversal agent) more accessible to the AI population to reduce overdose-related deaths (Warne & Wescott, 2019). 
The most complex social determinant of health to solve is historical trauma (Warne & Wescott, 2019). It is impossible to provide complete solace for the generational trauma inflicted on the AI community (Warne & Wescott, 2019). However, public health officials can promote healing and support to the AI population through various avenues (Warne & Wescott, 2019). Reconnecting the AI community to their ancestry and culture can have a healing effect for those experiencing historical trauma (University of Minnesota, 2023). Providing AIs with opportunities such as affordable and safe housing, accessible education, and employment, can provide a sense of importance, belonging, and give AIs the voice they have not been allowed to have (University of Minnesota, 2023).
Phases of Implementation
The first phase of implementation would include a needs assessment. This would be completed through the collection of data within AI communities and tribes throughout the United States. In order to guarantee a successful implementation of the proposed solutions, we must ensure we are involving the targeted community (Shin, Kim, & Kang, 2020). By partnering with the Tribal Government Headquarters of several AI tribes throughout the United States, anonymous surveys will be sent to tribal members via mail and email. The surveys will ask questions about the member’s access to healthcare, nutritious foods, and educational resources for children. The survey will allow the AI member’s to anonymously disclose any personal and/or family health history of chronic illness. Additionally, the survey will ask community members if there are any resources they would like more access to, such as WIC, mental health resources, health clinics, recreational centers, etc. 
Using the results from the survey conducted in phase one of implementation, priority needs of the community will be identified in phase two. The primary key stakeholder that will be involved in this community outreach program will be the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts for American Indian Studies. The Minnesota Indian’s Women’s Resources Center (MIWRC) will be an additional key stakeholder. 
In phase three, stakeholders will help assist the expansion WIC to underserved tribal communities across the United States through advocacy and grants. Additionally, the community outreach program will partner with volunteer OB-GYN and women’s healthcare professionals to assist in the education of breastfeeding and healthy lifestyle choices for pregnant women and children. The education provided will be culturally sensitive and will include resources and suggestions that are mindful of AI culture. Phase three will also include the partnership of volunteer mental health and substance abuse experts to address substance use disorders and historical trauma within the community. Volunteers will provide culturally relevant counseling services to spread awareness about substance abuse, as well as address the effects of intergenerational trauma in AI communities. 
SMART Goal #1: Conduct an anonymous survey assessing access to healthcare, education, nutrition, and chronic disease prevalence in AI communities in the United States, achieving a 70% response rate within six months.
SMART Goal #2: Analyze survey data and identify priority needs to present to key stakeholders within three months of phase one implementation.
SMART Goal #3: Implement community outreach program that expands WIC to AI communities, offers culturally competent education programs regarding breastfeeding, healthy lifestyle choices, substance abuse, and generational trauma within six months of finalizing phase two.
Implementing a proposed solution addressing diabetes prevalence in AI communities will require significant financial resources (Hoeft et al., 2019). Funding would be required for operational costs, staffing, infrastructure, and program development (Hoeft et al., 2019). Additionally, investments may be required to expand WIC in underserved AI communities. Financial planning should also include an emergency fund for any unexpected circumstances, such as resources to address health concerns, increase in program demand, and unexpected community engagement programs. It is important to continuously assess the cost-effectiveness of the community outreach program to maximize the utilization of financial resources. Continuous cost-effective analysis will determine resource allocation, short-and-long-term costs, potential for financial savings, and reduced healthcare costs (Hoeft et al., 2019).
Respect for AI communities throughout the duration of the community outreach program is essential to improving the health outcomes of AI community members (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2024). Any intervention that is utilized within the community outreach program should be designed in a way that respects the heritage and traditions of AI culture. Not only is this an ethical responsibility of all interdisciplinary teams associated with the program, but it will also improve the participation of AI community members within the program (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2024). Additionally, addressing health disparities within an underserved population requires advocacy for policies that dismantle systemic racism and discrimination towards AI communities. All personnel involved in the implementation of this community outreach program must share the ethical and moral responsibility to advocate on behalf of AI community members throughout the United States.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. (2024). Cultural Competence in Health and Human
Services. National Prevention Information Network. https://npin.cdc.gov/pages/cultural-competence-health-and-human-services 
Hoeft, T., Wilcox, H., Hinton, L., & Unutzer, J. (2019). Costs of implementing and sustaining
enhanced collaborative care programs involving community partners. Implementation Science, 14(37). https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13012-019-0882-6#citeas 
Shin, H., Kim, K., & Kang, P. (2020). Concept analysis of community health outreach. BMC
Health Services Research, 20(417). https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-020-05266-7
University of Minnesota. (2023). Historical trauma and cultural healing: Video series. 
University of Minnesota.
Warne, D., & Wescott, S. (2019). Social Determinants of American Indian Nutritional Health.
Current developments in nutrition, 3(Suppl 2), 12–18. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz054

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