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From your first assignment, you have a job description that details the importan

June 22, 2024

From your first assignment, you have a job description that details the important tasks and duties and KSAOs for the job you analyzed.  You will use that job title and job description for this assignment. 
For Assignment 2, you will demonstrate your understanding of job evaluation and pricing jobs in three parts. 
Steps to Completion 
Review the job description and determine the occupational classification of the job.  The best place to start is: O*Net
Find at least 4 other jobs in that occupational classification that are similar to your job description.  Write down those job titles. 
Identify at least 3 compensable factors if you were to do a point factor job evaluation.  For each of those compensable factors, write out the levels for the factor and assign points for the different levels.  
NOTE, DO NOT USE WORKING CONDITIONS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.  You can use the following suggested table format.  First, make sure you provide a clear concise description of the compensable factor. For each level, make sure you provide a clear concise description of the level.  With three factors, you will have 3 of these tables. 
For each of the five jobs, you are to assign points for EACH of the 3 factors. 
Total across each of the 3 factors for each job. 
You can use the following table for steps 4 and 5
e.g. Working Conditions 
Prepare a 2-3 page discussion of the purpose and methods of job evaluation, the method that was used in this exercise, your findings, and the rank order of these jobs in terms of the points Discuss and explain whether you find the results to be reasonable and what other factors you could have used in the job evaluation.  Be sure to use proper citations and references 
Steps to Completion 
For the job that you use in Assignment 1, determine the market rate and explain how you arrived at that market rate. 
For the job that you used in Assignment 1, set up a compensation structure with the following elements: 
How many steps will you have for the job. 
What is the rate range for the job 
What is the rate for each step.  
Discuss and explain, in 1-2 pages how you determined the market rate, the number of steps you would use, the rate range, and the rate for each step. 
Below is the GS Salary Table for the federal government.  Answer the following: 
What is the rate range for Grade 4? 
What is the rate range for Grade 5? 
What is the percentage grade overlap between Grade 4 and Grade 5? 
What is the rate range for Grade 14? 
What is the rate range for Grade 15? 
What is the percentage grade overlap between Grade 14 and Grade 15? 
Are the percentage overlaps between grades 4 and 5 the same as between grades14 and 15?  What are the implications if the percentage overlap are not the same – what does it say for grades 4 and 5 and what does it say for grades 14 and 15? 
GS Salary Table
Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
1 $20,999 $21,704 $22,401 $23,097 $23,794 $24,202 $24,893 $25,589 $25,617 $26,273
2 23,612 24,174 24,956 25,617 25,906 26,668 27,430 28,192 28,954 29,716
3 25,764 26,623 27,482 28,341 29,200 30,059 30,918 31,777 32,636 33,495
4 28,921 29,885 30,849 31,813 32,777 33,741 34,705 35,669 36,636 37,597
5 32,357 33,436 34,515 35,594 36,673 37,752 38,831 39,910 40,989 42,068
6 36,070 37,272 38,474 39,676 40,878 42,080 43,282 44,484 45,686 46,888
7 40,082 41,418 42,754 44,090 45,426 46,762 48,098 49,434 50,770 52,106
8 44,389 45,869 47,349 48,829 50,309 51,789 53,269 54,749 56,229 57,709
9 49,028 50,662 52,296 53,930 55,564 57,198 58,832 60,466 62,100 63,734
10 53,990 55,790 57,590 59,390 61,190 62,990 64,790 66,590 68,390 70,190
11 59,319 61,296 63,273 65,250 67,227 69,204 71,181 73,158 75,135 77,112
12 71,099 73,469 75,839 78,209 80,579 82,949 85,319 87,689 90,059 92,429
13 84,546 87,364 90,182 93,000 95,818 98,636 101,454 104,272 107,090 109,908
14 99,908 103,238 106,568 109,898 113,228 116,558 119,888 123,218 126,548 129,878
15 117,518 121,435 125,352 129,269 133,186 137,103 141,020 144,937 148,854 152,771

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