2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


For your initial post, address the following:     Describe an identity or brand

June 13, 2024

For your initial post, address the following:    
Describe an identity or brand and share how it has shaped your identity or influenced you in other ways.  Pick a brand 
What creative works associated with the identity or brand do you use to help promote the identity or brand? 
What cultural value (positive or negative) has come from the creative works?   
For your response posts, address the following:    
How has the identity or brand your peer described influenced you (or someone you know) similarly or differently than it has influenced your peer? 
How does this identity or brand resonate with cultural values? 
50 words each reply
1. Brandon Ford posted Jun 12, 2024 10:50 AM
One brand that has significantly influenced me is Patagonia, the outdoor clothing and gear company. Patagonia’s commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility has shaped my personal values and lifestyle choices. This brand promotes a strong message of conservation and ethical business practices, encouraging its customers to consider the environmental impact of their purchases and activities. I have adopted a more eco-conscious mindset inspired by Patagonia’s mission.
Patagonia produces a range of creative works that promote its identity, including documentaries, books, and campaigns. Notably, their documentary “DamNation” explores the impact of dams on the environment and advocates for the restoration of free-flowing rivers. Another significant campaign is “The Footprint Chronicles,” which provides transparency about the environmental and social impact of Patagonia’s supply chain.
The cultural value derived from Patagonia’s creative works is overwhelmingly positive. They have contributed to a broader awareness and dialogue about environmental sustainability and ethical consumption. Patagonia’s initiatives have inspired other companies to adopt more sustainable practices and have empowered consumers to demand greater transparency and responsibility from brands. On the flip side, there is a challenge in ensuring that the message does not become mere marketing rhetoric, a phenomenon known as “greenwashing.” However, Patagonia’s consistent and genuine commitment helps mitigate this risk.
2. Jake Lamb posted Jun 9, 2024 2:34 PM
Hello everyone!
A brand that I fell in love with that I have worn most of my adult life during many races, including the 2023 Chicago Marathon was the Active Faith Sports Apparel company. My favorite shirt i wear is a dry fit athletic shirt that says my favorite verse on it which is also tattooed on me, Philippians 4:13 I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. When I wore it for the marathon, I heard spectators yell out great things like “yes you can!’ and “I love that shirt” and  “God is all powerful!” Not only does it promote my faith and get others to see and possibly read the verse or the want to learn more. But it keeps me close to God in my own faith. By surrounding my life with God everywhere I am constantly more aware of the way I think, speak, and treat others. to me wearing the apparel, almost feels like a shield protecting my heart, mind and soul. 
Now more than ever more people are coming to Christianity, and because of putting the christian image out into the public more. Wearing the apparel from this brand and the many others brings a cool style to our everyday lives, as well as keeping God at the center of our day. It has brought a positive impact to the younger generation of students, and those who may feel like they don’t belong anywhere. The clothing brand promotes a positive message and brings a chance for a conversation starter as well.
Have a great week everyone!

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