2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


For this project, you will answer seven questions about artists from ten of the

May 14, 2024

For this project, you will answer seven questions about artists from ten of the art movements you studied throughout your course. You must select one artist from each of the following movements to research:
Francios-Xavier Fabre
Adelaide Labille-Guiard
Jacques-Louis David
Joseph Wright
William Blake
Sophie Fremiet
Gusatave Calliebotte
Edouard Manet
Rosa Bonhuer
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Edourd Vuillard
Jauquin Sorolla
Expressionism and Fauvism
Xul Solar
Paul Klee
Auguste Rodin
Cubism and Futurism
Marisa Mori
Georges Braque
Umberto Baccioni
Dada, Social Realism,  and Surrealism
Hans Arp
Dorothea Tanning
Gordan Parks
Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art
Beatriz Gonzalez
Marjorie Strider
Francis Bacon
Minimalism and Post-Minimalism
Joseph Beuys
Yoko Ono
Donald Judd
Postmodernism and Deconstructivism
Charles Jencks
Chloe Wise
Kehinde Wiley
Once you’ve selected the 10 artists you would like to focus on, you’ll need to research answers to the following seven questions or question groups:
What’s the year of the artist’s birth (and, where applicable, death)?
Where was the artist born? Where did he or she create the majority of his or her work (if at a different location than this place of birth)?
What medium did the artist use? Did he or she use more than one main medium?
Which art movement did the artist contribute to? If he or she contributed to more than one movement, where did this artist make the greatest impact?
What are some of the artist’s most famous works of art? Choose one of these works. In what ways is the piece characteristic of the movement specified above? (Include an image of the chosen piece.)
What challenges, if any, did the artist face that may have affected his or her work? What was happening in the world at that time that influenced the artist’s work?
What’s innovative about the artist’s work for that time period?
You’ll then write an APA-formatted essay that contains a title page, a brief introduction and conclusion, in-text citations supporting your research, and a reference list. Answer each question using complete sentences. The essay should be a minimum of 1,200 words. However, most students finish the project in about 2,000 words.
Answer the questions in essay format; do not answer them in list format.
You’ll need to find at least one source for each artist from the internet, a library, or elsewhere. Be sure to use reputable sources when searching for information on your selected artists.
Writing Guidelines 
Your essay should be a minimum of 1,200 words.
Your essay should be double-spaced, with 1″ margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.
Your entire project should be contained in one (1) Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format file.
Your essay should include a cover page and works cited page using APA formatting.

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