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For this class, The Beefsteak Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Developm

For this class, The Beefsteak Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Development Case Study Analysis final presentation assignment will apply toward Folio.
Beefsteak is a fast-casual restaurant concept from acclaimed Chef José Andrés that focuses on the “unsung power of vegetables” (Beefsteak Company Background Packet, n.d., page 7). José Andrés is a world-renowned chef and owner of a number of restaurants. He was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with disaster relief through his nonprofit organization World Central Kitchen. Andrés’s mission is to change the world through the power of food. Jim Biafore, Senior Director for Beefsteak, knows that culture—much like any good business—is forever changing, adapting to its environment. As Beefsteak grows, he sees the need to develop employees not only for return on investment, but also for maintenance of the culture and values espoused from the larger organization, ThinkFoodGroup. Beefsteak needs to develop programs to develop its employees in line with the company’s mission and strategic direction.
Assume the role of a Beefsteak consultant dedicated to creating and reinforcing the company’s ideal culture. Jim Biafore wants you to assess Beefsteak’s current company culture, determine ways that it can be improved, forecast potential changes through growth, and provide a plan for sustaining cultural longevity through employees.
Using the materials provided to you, as well as at least two to three additional resources pertaining to human resource management, prepare a PowerPoint presentation with audio on the proposal for a strategic human capital development program focused on the transmission of company core values. You may use the University of Arizona Global Campus resource, Presentation TipsLinks to an external site., for assistance on adding audio to your presentation. If you are having difficulty uploading the audio and PowerPoint, consider uploading at a different time, breaking it into audio and the presentation, or breaking the presentation into two parts. 
To communicate with Beefsteak’s Jim Biafore and executive team, you will present your analysis using PowerPoint with audio. The analysis should be six to eight slides. The strategic human capital analysis should reinforce the culture through
team development
organizational responsibility
The analysis should also consider Week 4’s contemporary human capital topic and predictive analysis.
Consider the following questions as you prepare your analysis:
What might you infer about Beefsteak’s current company culture? Does it have elements of organizational responsibility?
What key characteristics should Beefsteak recruiters look for in candidates, especially with regard to how someone will fit into the company culture?
How does job training and employee development differ from a cultural standpoint?
What motivates individuals or employees to believe in a cause?
What do employees want out of development programs?
What about employee development programs benefits the company?
Why is it important to think about employee development at this stage?
What contemporary human capital issues might you consider at Beefsteak?
Is it possible to use some predictive analysis technique?
How might things differ if Beefsteak expands globally rather than just in the U.S.?
How do you plan to measure the success/failure of your culture strategy? What steps will you take to ensure that the culture is shifting and/or being reinforced in that way that you intend?
In this presentation analysis,
Determine ways to improve the company’s culture in a growth environment.
Assess and make recommendations regarding the company’s recruiting, training, development, and retention strategies.
Integrate contemporary human capital topics and predictive analysis.
Discuss potential global expansion on the company culture and success.
Formulate an overall organized and concise proposal for the company’s ideal culture supported through human resource management.

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