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For this assignment, you will submit the second half of the Theories of Counseli

May 12, 2024

For this assignment, you will submit the second half of the Theories of Counseling Chart [DOC] 
Download Theories of Counseling Chart [DOC]
covering theories studied in Weeks 6–8. You will add to your Personal Model of Counseling statement from u05a1 identifying a counseling theory explored during Weeks 6–8 of clinical interest. Continue the statement of how the counseling theory aligns with your worldview and current view of the nature of people, and also how the counseling theory can support the client in working through challenges.
You will be able to refer to this chart throughout your program courses, site-based learning, and later as a studying tool for the licensure exams.
Please refer to the assigned readings and videos in each week to assist you in completing your Theories of Counseling Chart. From your own internet and library search, you will add web links for credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness. You may refer to the Counseling Master’s Research Guide: Theory Research
Links to an external site.
page for help searching the library.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate concepts, principles, and assumptions within major theories of counseling.
Complete the required components for each theory included in the chart.
Competency 4: Incorporate evidence-based theories in a personal philosophy of counseling.
Provide a Personal Model of Counseling identifying the preferred counseling theory and alignment to your current view of the nature of people.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively through the consistent use of APA guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a counseling professional.
Identify credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent for counseling professionals, and use APA writing style.
View Rubric
Theories of Counseling Chart
Provide a Personal Model of Counseling identifying the preferred counseling theory and alignment to your current view of the nature of people.
50 to >42.5 pts
Provides a statement summarizing the personal model of counseling identifying the preferred counseling theory and current view of the nature of people, how and why they do well or develop problems, and how counseling can support them in working through challenges.
42.5 to >35 pts
Provides a statement summarizing the personal model of counseling.
35 to >0 pts
Provides a minimal statement describing the personal model of counseling.
0 pts
Does not provide a statement summarizing the personal model of counseling.
/ 50 pts
Complete the required components for each theory included in the chart.
60 to >51 pts
Completes the required components for each theory included in the chart, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the theory, including research to support theory appropriateness with diverse populations.
51 to >42 pts
Completes the required components for each theory included in the chart.
42 to >0 pts
Minimally completes the required components for each theory included in the chart.
0 pts
Does not complete the required components for each theory included in the chart.
/ 60 pts
Identify credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books.
50 to >42.5 pts
Identifies multiple credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books providing evidence for its effectiveness.
42.5 to >35 pts
Provides support of the counseling theory with references for scholarly articles and books
35 to >0 pts
Provides minimal support of the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books.
0 pts
Does not identify credible organizations supporting the counseling theory and references for scholarly articles and books.
/ 50 pts
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent for counseling professionals, and use APA writing style.
40 to >34 pts
Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, consistent for counseling professionals and uses APA writing style; furthermore, language, tone, and organization are utilized to enhance the reader’s ability to understand key concepts.
34 to >28 pts
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent for counseling professionals, and use APA writing style.
28 to >0 pts
Demonstrates communication skills that lack clarity and at times detract from the overall message.
0 pts
Demonstrates unsatisfactory communication skills for a counseling professional.
/ 40 pts
Total Points: 0
Counseling Masters Research Guide
This guide provides both Capella Library and web-based resources for general Counseling and counseling specializations.
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Ask a Librarian
There are important differences between published works by theorists, articles about a theory, and articles that use a theory.
Published Works by Theorists
These are the seminal articles (or books) that establish the theory.  The articles will not always explicitly state they are constructing or advancing a theory.  You will have to verify that a particular author is a theorist before you start searching for their work.
Example: Bronfenbrenner, U. (1974, March). Developmental Research, Public Policy, and the Ecology of Childhood. Child Development, pp. 1-5. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.ep12265367.
(Bronfenbrenner is famous for ecological systems theory in human development.)
Articles about a Theory
Included are articles that might be extending an already established theory, or discussing the use of a theory within a certain context, or creating new theory from data through grounded theory research.  Often the word theory–or some variation of it–can be found in the title or in the abstract of the article. 
Example: Purgason, L.L., Avet, J.R., Cashwell, C.S., Jordan, M.E., & Reese, R.F. (2016). Culturally Relevant Advising:  Applying Relational-Cultural Theory in Counselor Education. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94(4), 429-436. https://doi-org.library.capella.edu/10.1002/jcad.12101
Articles that use a Theory
It can be difficult to determine what theory or theories an author is working with in a research study.  Sometimes it is stated overtly.  Other times you will see “code” words like:  model, conceptual model, framework, lens, though there are not clearly agreed upon definitions of how, for example, a conceptual model may differ from a theoretical framework.  Also, quantitative articles might refer more commonly to a hypothesis, than a theory, and qualitative articles sometimes don’t explicitly state a theory.   The terms that signify theory are not usually in the title, so careful reading of the article is required.
Example:  Rizkalla, N., Zeevi-Barkay, M., & Segal, S. P. (2017). Rape Crisis Counseling: Trauma Contagion and Supervision. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517736877
Use reference resources (such as those listed to the left) to look up theorists or theory development. If you want to find books or articles s/he has written, use Advanced Search for Summon.  This advanced search page allows you to select where you want to find your search terms.  Use the Author field if you are looking for works by the theorist.
If you want to search for articles and books about a theorist, you can also use Advanced Search Summon, but select Abstract next to the theorist’s name, rather than Author.  Type the theorist’s name, first name first, and put quotation marks around the name.
Search Example:
Abstract                      “howard gardner”
What is it?
Seminal authors produce the research and writing that is the foundation for a field or discipline. As the field grows, other researchers build upon the work of seminal authors and either expand or challenge the ideas found in seminal works.
The ability to trace a scholarly conversation is an important academic skill. But like any skill set, it takes practice to master.
Authors will not always refer directly to “the theory of….”.  Therefore, it’s useful to know what other terminology to look for–what words will signal discussion or use of theory.
Framework. Theory is often described as a framework, which can be a good way of thinking about it–as a kind of structure of ideas, fitting together to create a coherent whole.
Lens. Theory is often described as the lens through which a researcher will examine his or her research problem. That particular lens provides a focus to the data which may not otherwise have been captured.
In quantitative studies theory is often stated explicitly.  It may be posed as the hypothesis (the IF-THEN statement) that the study will confirm, or not.
In qualitative studies the author may use the term concept, or pattern, or model, or rationale, or refer to a prediction, a hierarchy, a paradigm or a taxonomy
Even if the word “theory” does not appear at all, a true research study is always designed to propose, test, develop, replicate, validate, extend, question, improve, or disprove theory.
Warning: Seminal research can take a long time to track down. 
Depending on the number of items still in print, it may be impossible to find old books.  Start your research early and be prepared for set-backs!
Identifying seminal authors can be complicated. You can start with the textbooks you have accumulated through your program since they often explain the major original theorists working in a field. 
You can also look through the literature review sections of scholarly research papers. The names of major theorists and their works will appear here, and you can find the full citations in the bibliography.  Seminal works are frequently older works, so you will go backwards in time to find the applicable seminal writings. 
Some fields are young, so the seminal authors may still be writing today. Other fields are much older and many of their seminal theorists may have been active 50 or even 100 years ago.
Dissertations can also be useful, since they have to include theories. Use the promotional boxes below to find out more about searching dissertations.
To Summarize, here is the process:
Look for articles, books, textbooks, and/or dissertations on your general topic.
Find the literature review section (sometimes called Introduction or Discussion) which has a high number of in-text citations.
When you find the name of a theorist or seminal author in the field, trace the in-text citation to its matching information in the bibliography or reference list at the end of the document.  This will have the complete citation.
Use the citation and our Journal and Book Locator tool to see whether the library has the item.
If we do not have the item, use Worldcat to see if a library close to you has the item, or use our Interlibrary Loan Service to have the item sent to you.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy by Edward S. Neukrug 
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy is a two-volume source that traces theory and examines the beginnings of counseling and psychotherapy all the way to current trends and movements. This reference work draws together a team of international scholars that examine the global landscape of all the key counseling and psychotherapy theories and the theorists behind them while presenting them in context needed to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This is a quick, one-stop source that gives the reader the “who, what, where, how, and why” of contemporary counseling and psychotherapy theory. From historical context in which the theories were developed to the theoretical underpinnings which drive the theories, this reference encyclopedia has detailed and relevant information for all individuals interested in this subject matter. Features & Benefits: Approximately 335 signed entries fill two volumes available in a choice of print or electronic formats. Back matter includes a Chronology of theory within the field of counseling to help students put individual theories within a broader context. A Master Bibliography and a Resource Guide to key books, journals, and organizations guide students to further resources beyond the encyclopedia. The Reader’s Guide, a detailed Index and the Cross References combine for effective search-and-browse in the e-version and helps students take the next steps in their research journeys. This reference encyclopedia serves as an excellent source for any individual interested in the roots of contemporary counseling and psychotherapy theory. It is ideal for the public and professionals, as well as for students in counselor education programs especially those individuals who are pursuing a Masters level degree.  
ISBN: 9781452274126
Publication Date: 2015-03-26
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice by John Sommers-Flanagan; Rita Sommers-Flanagan
ISBN: 9781118221174
Publication Date: 2012-05-22
Quick Theory Reference Guide by Karin Jordan (Editor) 
Since the beginning of the concepts of family therapy, mental health professionals have known that the family — the system — is a powerful source of support for change or a powerful force for resistance to change. Some professionals work with individuals, some with families and some with groups. However, all work with the context of the systems — family, group, community, country, etc. Students, especially beginning students, are overwhelmed and confused at the variety of approaches to working with clients. Many programs introduce students to individual as well as systems concepts in the course of training. Students need assistance in learning this variety of theories. They need to be able to compare and contrast theories and techniques to determine when and where to utilise the best skills in order to facilitate client change. Dr. Karin Jordan has compiled a comprehensive text that enables the students to discover each theory as it is presented in its purist form. The text is accessible yet the content provides comprehensive knowledge of each theory. Dr. Jordan has brought together the master educators and clinicians in our fields to write about their particular expertise.
ISBN: 9781600216244
Publication Date: 2007-01-01

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