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For this assignment, you will be asked to reflect on both your experience of pri

April 16, 2024

For this assignment, you will be asked to reflect on both your experience of privilege and marginalization as it relates to access to services and other facets of your life.  You will complete several exercises to help you examine these areas.  You will then write a 3-5 page reflection paper on what you identified and how this informs how you move about the world. Discuss the continued role of systemic racism in substance abuse treatment as part of your writing.
Read Check Your Privilege: An Important Self-Assessment found here. After reading, complete the self-assessment worksheet, referenced in the article.  For ease, I have also included a link to it, here.  Next, complete the Unconscious Bias—Check Your Privilege questions provided below:
Check Your Privilege 
Are there privileges that you enjoy within the workplace, perhaps without being aware of it? Review each of the statements provided and indicate whether you can count on this privilege at work. What does this tell you about the privileges that attach to different categories of people? 
Privilege Statements: Answer “Yes” or “No”
1. I can count on looking at the top level of management in most organizations in my country and seeing people (i.e., more than just a “token” individual) who belong to my identity group. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege? 
2. I can count on my peers wanting to include me in their conversations. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
3. I can display photographs of my family or my personal life without worrying that it will invite negative perceptions. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
4. I can count on my peers assuming that we will have things in common that unite us. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
5. I can speak up within my courses and not worry that others will attribute something about what I said to my identity category; instead, they will focus on the idea itself. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
6. I can trust that my behavior will be viewed as only my own and not representative of a wider group.
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
7. I can trust that I won’t be talked over in a meeting or class discussion. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
8. I can talk about what I did over the weekend without worrying about what it will reveal about me. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
9. I can trust that my peers and colleagues assume I have earned my position through my abilities. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
10. I can mention my family responsibilities without being perceived as a less valuable contributor. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
11. I can trust that I will get credit for my ideas and contributions. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
12. I feel comfortable asking questions or asking for help because my professors assume I am competent. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
13. If I opt not to take on volunteer tasks (like organizing team social functions, workspace clean-up efforts, or taking the time to orient newcomers), or decline requests to do so, I don’t usually worry about appearing selfish or feeling guilty. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
14. I can speak up without being interrupted. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
15. I can feel comfortable being my preferred self, showing my true personality, at school without worrying that people will judge me negatively for it. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege? 
16. I am confident that people will attribute my success to my ability rather than to luck or to the goodwill of others. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
17. When I am asked to serve on committees or task forces, I assume it’s because people value what I have to offer, not because they need a representative from my identity group. 
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege? 
18. I am never asked speak for all the people of my identity group (ie “What do XX-type of people think about this issue”).
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege? 
19.  If I feel that I have been mistreated by a peer or instructor, I usually do not wonder whether it is because of my membership in a particular identity group”
Yes __ If so, which of your identities affords you that privilege? 
No __ If so, what types of people do enjoy that privilege?
Were there elements of privilege that you didn’t realize you have?  
How might these influence your experience of others who do not carry the same privileges?
Notice the thoughts, feelings and emotions that emerged as you worked through the worksheet.  What made you uncomfortable or even angry/sad?  Were there things that made you feel hopeful?
Consider how you might apply this new found awareness to your daily life, interactions with others, and efforts to equity and inclusion for those with less opportunity.

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