2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


For this assignment, imagine you have just started working as the new CEO of a r

For this assignment, imagine you have just started working as the new CEO of a rural health
care facility that has 60 acute primary care hospital beds and 120 skilled nursing facility beds.
The skilled nursing facility has long-term and transitional care beds. The health care institution is
accredited. Your current task is to prepare a presentation for strategic planning for the Board of
Directors at the upcoming monthly meeting. 
Background and Demographics
Health care services in the community include a 24/7 emergency department in the hospital.
There is also an outpatient surgery center located about 10 miles away from the hospital that
performs a high percentage of cataract surgeries and also offers diagnostic radiology services
as well as laboratory services, a behavioral health center, home health services, hospice
services, and a birthing center, which was added to the hospital about 20 years ago. 
The health care institution has served three communities for over 40 years. The population of all
three communities comprises about 60,000 people. The median age for two of the communities
averages 42-43 years old. The other community averages 25 years old and includes a military
base that has its own hospital on base. The average family size is just over three for all
communities. Overall, about 47% of the population is married. There are almost three million
visitors who come to visit a National Park that is a tourist attraction in the community. 
In past years, the acute hospital had a reputation as a “band-aid” station, which was undeserved
as it has excellent staff and equipment. Your plan might consider ways that you, as the CEO,
can work with the community leaders to change this impression. It has also been difficult to
recruit qualified physicians to the area. The next closest competing health care institution is
located 35 miles away, offers 385 beds, and is the only Level II Trauma Center in the area.
TIP: If you need further data and demographics, you can create hypothetical information. 
Presentation Instructions
Prepare a Strategic Planning PowerPoint presentation to address the following six key elements
(each element on a separate slide) for an upcoming Board of Directors meeting.
1. What do you plan to do to foster strategic thinking in this situation? 
Cover at least 2-3 ideas. 
2. How will you involve your team and encourage them to think strategically? 
Cover at least 2-3 ideas. 
3. List the items in your action plan for the next 90 days, six months, and one year (you might
use a table to present this). 
At least three different items are needed for each different time frame of the action plan. 
4. What are the various strategic options that you have considered and the reasons for your
preferred choices? 
Cover at least 2-3 ideas. 
5. Prepare a SWOT analysis for the organization. Also, mention what metrics you would use to
measure your progress (you might want the metric proposals on a separate slide). 
NOTE: You need at least three items for Strengths and three items for Weaknesses,
which are internal to the firm, and at least three items for Opportunities and at least three
items for Threats, which are external to the firm.
6. What are individuals, organizations, and structures that might present obstacles or
challenges to the successful implementation of your plans? Which individuals,
organizations, and structures could be supportive of your actions? Why? You might use a
table or two slides for this last element.
Include at least one research point from the textbook to show the application of the lesson in
your presentation. Additional research support from other credible sources is encouraged. A
recent peer-reviewed library source would demonstrate scholarly research to give further
credibility to your ideas. 
Be sure to reference and cite to give credit to the text and/or outside resource in your work! The
detailed reference should be on a final “References” slide at the end of the presentation, and
citations must be on the slides on which the related ideas are presented. 
PowerPoint Presentation Best Practices:
Use a cover slide with your name on it. 
No more than six bullets on a slide. 
No more than six words to a line. 
Use a professional layout and design 
Incorporate at least one relevant graphic (diagram, table, image) 
Avoid animations that are distracting. 
Include a reference slide at end of presentation for research, and in-text citations on slides
on which you use information. 
Audio is not required for the presentation, as you would use your bullet points as your
talking points.

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