For the essay-style coursework, you are required to choose and answer two out of the five questions provided.
Each question carries equal marks, and the word limit for each question is a maximum of
1000 words.
The questions cover various aspects of integrated marketing communications, consumer engagement, changing communication models, the use of social media in influencing consumer decisions, and the role of creativity in contemporary advertising.
You should critically evaluate and analyze the topics, using examples from your reading and the course content to support your answers. In-text citations are required where appropriate, and a full reference list is necessary with a maximum of 10 well-chosen references for each essay. This coursework aims to assess your understanding of communication models, marketing strategies, and consumer engagement within the context of the evolving business landscape.
2. CourseLearningObjectives
The coursework is designed to assess the following:
3. TheEssayQuestions
Each essay should be a maximum of 1000 words long. You are required to write two short original essays with reference to topical (current) examples. Essays do not usually feature tables or figures, and so we do not expect to see these and there is no need for an Appendix. The essay will be formatted in Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, font size 12, and be 1.5 lines spaced.
You will choose TWO of the following five questions and answer them in separate essays:
Critically review how communication models have evolved in response to changes in consumer
behaviour and preferences.
Critically evaluate the role of integrated marketing communications as part of an organisation’s customer engagement strategy.
Propose effective methods that marketers use to exploit social media to influence consumer decision-making? Give a critical appraisal of at least one topical example from practice.
4. Compare and contrast two elements of the marketing communications mix, and critically analyze the growing significance of social media for these chosen elements.
5. Explain the concept of message appeal and its correlation with creativity in modern advertising, providing a critical discussion on its relevance.
4. Submission
The deadline for the assignment is Friday 5th April 2024. Edinburgh students must
submit before 4:00 p.m., Dubai students must submit before 8:00 p.m.
The essay should be submitted via Canvas in digital format only. BEFORE you will be
allowed access to the submission site, you MUST complete and submit the Declaration of Authorship form available on Canvas. Please allow time for this – it is suggested you complete this a week before the deadline.
Late submissions will only be accepted without penalty if mitigating circumstances apply. Late submissions will have a 30% reduction applied to the final mark. Any late submission made more than 5 days after the deadline will not be marked and will
receive 0.
5. Marking Criteria
Coursework Rubric
Essay summary/ introduction: 20%
A succinct statement is provided which summarises the essay effectively.
The summary introduces the essay and clearly links the statement to contemporary
marketing theory and practice identified in the academic and practitioner sources.
A position is taken and/ or an argument or critical stance is established.
Demonstrated understanding of course material, chosen sources and context with critical engagement: 60%
A relevant and reliable selection of literature/ source materials is chosen and used to identify / demonstrate a critical awareness of integrated marketing communications, the complexity of the environment, challenges faced by marketers and marketers’ response to these challenges.
There is evidence of wider research into the context and examples are used to illustrate how the concerns of marketing communications practitioners apply to relevant real- world
Scholarly writing skills, presentation, and references: 20%
Formal style of writing used (third person, no contractions – e.g., don’t, isn’t).
The work is well structured and presented (good use of paragraphs to help organise the
writing, essay has a clear beginning, middle and end).
The writing is supported with in text citations and a complete reference list which is
formatted to Harvard reference style (as per Harvard Cite Them Right).
For the essay-style coursework, you are required to choose and answer two out of
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