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For the Chapter 12 Application Assignment, you are going to assume the role of a

April 21, 2024

For the Chapter 12 Application Assignment, you are going to assume the role of a probation officer. In many instances, and especially after their preparation and drafting of presentence investigation reports (PSIs), probation officers provide recommendations to the court regarding special conditions for sentences of probation. In this assignment, you will be presented with a hypothetical situation of a probationer and recommend to the court five possible special conditions of probation. To help you better understand special conditions of probation, I have posted a document entitled, “Sample Special Condition Language (Probation and Supervised Release Conditions) This document lists 20 categories of special conditions that might be placed on a probationer (along with sample condition verbiage for each category) and are listed as follows for reference:
1. Substance Abuse Treatment, Testing, and Abstinence
2. Mental Health Treatment
3. Financial Requirements and Restrictions
4. Employment Restrictions
5. Association and Contact Restrictions
6. Place Restrictions
7. Supporting Dependents
8. Gambling-Related Conditions
9. Community Service
10. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
11. Educational or Vocational Services
12. Location Monitoring Technology to Monitor Compliance with Conditions of Supervision
13. Residential Reentry Center
14. Intermittent Confinement
15. Search and Seizure
16. Immigration-Related Requirements
17. Restrictions on Viewing Sexually Explicit Materials
18. Sex Offense-Specific Assessment, Treatment, and Physiological Testing
19. Polygraph for Sex Offender Management
20. Computer and Internet Restrictions
Read about each category in this document and then formulate/adapt fiveprobation conditions (worth 3 points each) for the probationer given the following hypothetical situation:
Hypothetical Situation for this Assignment:
John Doe, a 31-year-old resident of Alabama, was sentenced by a judge to two years of probation for possession of drugs (cocaine) and a domestic violence charge. After conducting significant research, including an interview with Mr. Doe and running a background check, to complete yourpresentence investigation report, you learned:
1) at the time of his arrest, Mr. Doe was not employed and has not been employed in two months;
2) he has two dependent children (ages 4 and 8);
3) he has been married to Ms. Jane Doe, the victim in his domestic violence case, for five years, but they are currently in the process of obtaining a divorce;
4) he has one prior arrest and conviction for a drug related charge (possession of marijuana);
5) he did not graduate from high school and does not have the equivalent of a high school diploma;
6) he has a documented history of mental illness, namely schizophrenia;and
7) he admits to having a gambling addiction.
With this information, recommend to the court five conditions (worth 3 points each) on Mr. Doe’s probation that you, as the probation officer, think will best help him not recidivate or commit new crimes while also considering his family and the community’s interests. The conditions you formulate must be adapted and personalized from the information learned above about Mr. Doe. Do not provide five applicable categories from the list of twenty categories above as your answers; remember, your identifiedconditions must be adapted from these categories and must be personalized to Mr. Doe’s situation (please reference the sample condition verbiage under each category in the document that I posted for ideas).Each condition you recommend must be at least 30 words in order to receive full credit for it. If you have any questions about this assignment, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Special Condition # 1 you recommend for Mr. Doe:
Special Condition # 2 you recommend for Mr. Doe:
Special Condition # 3 you recommend for Mr. Doe:
Special Condition # 4 you recommend for Mr. Doe:
Special Condition # 5 you recommend for Mr. Doe:

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