FIR 2303-19.01.02-4B24-S2, Fire Behavior and Combustion
Unit VII Final Project
Unit VII Final Project
Assignment Content
For this assignment, you will complete an essay based on the scenario-based case study. The essay should be a two-to-three page narrative focusing on arguments that support what the authors discuss in Units IV through VII and the assigned course textbook chapters, as well as other research that you conduct related to these concepts. Each of the concepts discussed need to be applied to the scenario-based case study based on the “Points to Ponder” and “Building on the Scenario” segments presented in the Unit IV-VII Study Guides. Be sure to use APA Style Level Headings as needed to separate and organize your paper into sections (See this Level Headings tutorial for help with level headings).
To review the original case study again please click here to view the scenario. Please click here to access a PDF of the presentation.
The list below may help you in focusing on three or four of for main concepts covered in Units IV through VII:
The plume of a fire burning in the apartment contains three zones. What are the differences between the layers in the zones?
The ventilation pattern can change during a fire. What determines the hot upper layer temperature and optical density during a fire in a compartment with an opening?
With the intense heat in the room, is the cooking oil already evaporating sufficiently to reach the lower flammability limit in the vapor phase over the fuel surface?
Does chemical change occur within solid materials in and around the apartment and within the chemistry of the volatiles during pyrolysis?
Were there any factors that influenced the smoke or fire effluent occurrence of the extreme fire behavior phenomenon?
Did the radiative transfer from the soot, flames, and hot upper layers in the fire room affect the rate at which the fuel burns and the likelihood of ignition? Did this affect fire attack or rescue efforts?
What effect did the smoke obscuration have on fire attack or even rescue efforts?
Is water with added wetting agents more effective than plain water for the extinction of fire in fibrous materials, such as furnishings?
Does the use of firefighting foam, when combined with other tactics, create a more efficient fire attack?
Do wetting agents improve water efficiency, (surface tension reduction) when used on structure fires?
To supplement your discussion and support your conclusions, you should use the course textbook, information from the CSU Online Library and/or from reputable, reliable sources, such as journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following APA Style. You must include at least three sources, including your textbook.
FIR 2303-19.01.02-4B24-S2, Fire Behavior and Combustion Unit VII Final Project U
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