Final Exam-Essay Prompt> From “The Sixties” & Beyond>
Recent debates over the Confederate Flag, Native Mascots, the “N Word,” Black History Month, Mass Incarceration, excessive police violence, Hate Crimes and the various protest responses to these things have helped re-ignite conversations about the state of race and Ethnic Studies in the 21st century. During the past few weeks in particular we have emphasized the transition from the WW2 to early Civil Rights, and to Black Power & Black Nationalism in “the sixties”–a transition that in reality extended far beyond one single decade (at least from the WW2era to the 1970s). This paper requires that you evaluate the various phases of the of the “sixties” freedom struggle in light of recent events and apply that knowledge to current events.
On one hand, a number of prominent Civil Rights leaders including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. discuss the shift from Legalism & Non-Violent Direct Action to Black Power & Black Nationalism as an unfortunate turn of events–while a few have even gone so far to say that advocates of Black Power (such as Stokely Carmichael, aka Kwame Ture) betrayed the vision of the Civil Rights movement and eventually killed it. On the other hand, many believe the transition from “Civil Rights” to “Power & Nationalism” in the mid-60s did not hinder minority access to the American Dream. They argue instead that power/nationalism was a logical outgrowth of disillusionment with enduring racial challenges and the slow pace of change, and provided newopportunities because of its emphasis on economic self-reliance & political self-determination, cultural pride & independence.
Your two-part Essay should begin by considering the following points below in order to address the main question & create your thesis: An argument on whether the early phases of Civil Rights (Legalism & Non-Violent Direct Action) or the later phases (Black Power & Nationalism) were more “effective” or “successful” & why/how.
Part 1> “Historical Background”
1) Martin Luther King Jr. advocated integration & “Non-Violence,” whereas Malcolm X repeatedly stated he advocated freedom, not integration, and not “violence,” but “self-defense.” Briefly evaluate themethods, goals & role of “violence” in the philosophies of King & X.
2) “Black Power”—a term coined by Stokely Carmichael in 1966—was defined differently by different individuals/groups (See “Black Power/White Backlash”). Evaluate “Black Power” as a phase of the modern freedom movement. What were its strengths & weaknesses & discuss the role of “violence.”
3) What were the origins, goals & tactics of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (formed in 1966)? Using readings, videos, and other materilas. discuss how the Panthers saw themselves as a real-life application of Malcolm X’s views? What were the Panther’s greatest success/failures? How did they approach “violence”?
4) The Weather Underground & other anti-war activists decided that “Bringing the War Home”—(even if it meant using “violence”)– was necessary to stop the Vietnam War. Analyze the Weathermen’sphilosophy/position on “violence”.
Again, the prompt’s questions, topics & themes raised above should be used to address the main question:Make an argument debating whether the earlier phases of Civil Rights (Legalism & Non-Violent Direct Action) or the later phases (Black Power & Black Nationalism) was more “effective” or “successful” & why. What was the significance of violence in each? In addition to King & X, your argument should include a discussion of Black Power and the Black Panther Party–another organization that utilized the rhetoric & tactics of Black Power/nationalism in the 1960s/1970s–and that influenced many other racial/ethnic groups and political activists, including the weather underground, etc.
Part 2> “Practice & Application”: How might current events be informed by knowledge of “the 60s”and Ethnic Studies theories/concepts? (Imagined Community, Tipping Point, Self Determination, Intersectionality, White Supremacy, Patriarchy, etc.)?
In Part 2, use your argument regarding the struggles of “the 60s” to analyze current events–relying oncontemporary sources we have discussed or have at our disposal. Specifically, choose 1 topic/theme from each of the 3 categories-(“a” “b” & “c”) below:
a) How are public debates over whether or not to ban the Confederate Flag, Native Mascots,” or to require Ethnic Studies in school related to 1960s struggles?
b) How are political/legal debates over Hate Crimes laws, Mass Incarceration/the “Prison Industrial Complex” & “Reparations” related to 1960s struggles?
c) How might conflicts &challenges operating within (“Imagined”) communities of color (such as: the Use of the “N Word,” “Black History Month,” Hip Hop culture’s portrayal of women & violence)continue debates from the 1960s?
In sum, use your extensive knowledge to evaluate the phases of the modern freedom struggle & apply this knowledge to the ongoing challenges people of color face today.
Sources: We have explored many materials that may help you develop your argument– especially from WW2, through the 1960s and up to today) via Canvas, readings, etc. These materials go back several weeks. See especially materials since the Civil Rights era. All class materials introduced this term may be used, so in reality you have access to far more than necessary, but you should draw on class materials to support your argument. Although I am hesitant to require specific page lengths/word counts. It seems logical that you could make a convincing argument in 3-4 pages, double-spaced (Approx. 2-3 pages for Part 1; 1-2 pages for Part 2, or 3-4 pages total) that picks up where your analysis of the “Double V” Campaign left off.
Video Sources below
I Have A Dream
A Brief History of Civil Rights in the United States
History Brief the Black Panther Party
Black Power White Backlash
Final Exam-Essay Prompt> From “The Sixties” & Beyond> Recent debates over the Co
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