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Final Essay Assignment: Write a 1000-1200 word essay in response to the prompt l

June 24, 2024

Final Essay
Assignment: Write a 1000-1200 word essay in response to the prompt listed below.
Format: The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html. Be sure to provide citations for all direct and indirect references to authors and/or texts, and include a bibliography with your essay. Here is a short video (00:02:52) to help you properly cite your sources in Chicago style: How to Cite Your Sources in Chicago StyleLinks to an external site. .
Essay Example: For an example of how you might compose your essay, please see “The Philosophy of Mindfulness as a Mode of Being
,” which was written by a former student of this course, and which was subsequently published in Quest: An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Journal. You may only use this essay as example for your own essay; you may neither copy any portion of the content from this essay, nor cite it as a source in your essay.
Plagiarism:  Be sure to avoid plagiarism in your essay. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, intentionally or unintentionally failing to quote and cite words, information, and/or ideas taken from a source(s) in accordance with a citation style approved by the faculty member and/or inadequately paraphrasing (i.e., patchwriting or mosaic plagiarism). To understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, review this infographic
Model for Footnotes of Books According to The Chicago Manual of Style 
1. First name Last name, Title of Book, trans. First and Last name of Translator (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
Model for Bibliographic Entries of Books According to The Chicago Manual of Style 
Last name, First name. Title of Book. Translated by First and Last name of Translator. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.
Model for Footnotes of a Book Section According to The Chicago Manual of Style 
1. First name Last name, “Title of Section,” in Title of Book, trans. First and Last name of Translator, Edited by First and Last Name of Editor, (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
Model for Bibliographic Entries of Book Sections According to The Chicago Manual of Style 
Last name, First name. “Title of Section.” Title of Book. Translated by First and Last name of Translator, Edited by First and Last Name of Editor, Page range for book section. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.
Structure: The structure of the essay should be comprised of the basic elements of a philosophical essay. Please consult my “A Guide to Writing the Philosophical Essay” in the “Files” tab on Canvas for more specific guidance in composing your essay.
Introduction: The introduction should introduce the topic and state the main claim (i.e., a thesis: a single declarative statement in which you take a position on a topic that is arguable) of the essay.
Body: The body of the essay should provide a logically ordered series of claims that demonstrate the validity of the main claim and are supported by textual evidence.
Response to Objections: The refutation section should raise and respond to at least one objection to the main claim of the essay.
Conclusion: The conclusion should draw out the implications of the main claim (answer the question “So what?” for the reader).
Due Date: The essay is due on Wednesday, July 3rd by 11:59 pm. Essays must be submitted through Canvas and should be formatted as an MS Word file (.doc, .docx). Apart from an unexpected medical emergency or similar reasons, no paper extensions will be granted after the assignment is due. An extension may be granted for serious reasons, if you approach me with sufficient advance notice. Late papers will be accepted, but your grade will suffer significantly. Work up to one class meeting late will receive 70% of the grade awarded. Work up to two class meetings late will receive 50% of the grade awarded. Work more than two class meetings late will not be accepted.
Prompt: Respond to the following prompt with a reasoned argument. Support your position with textual evidence from at least two texts we have read during this course.  
In the introduction, describe what it would mean to live an authentic life–a life that is consistent with what you know to be real. Be sure to formulate your answer in a main claim/thesis that outlines a metaphysical account of reality and an epistemological account of how we know that reality. Your description of an authentic life should be philosophical and based upon one or more of the philosophers we have read during this course.
In the body of your essay, provide an argument supported by textual evidence for your conception of an authentic life. Indicate what metaphysical and epistemological assumptions or principles would inform your way of life? Support your argument with textual evidence from a at least two author’s we read during the course. Be sure that all claims are supported by textual evidence, and that all direct and indirect references to an author or text are properly cited.
In the response to objections section, raise and respond to at least one objection to your main claim regarding what constitutes an authentic life. This objection can be derived from one of the philosophers we’ve read during the course or a hypothetical objection.
In the conclusion, think through the consequences of understanding your life in the way you have described and how would your life be different from the way it is now. What challenges would you face? How might your life improve?
Grading Rubric
Argument: The essay addresses the prompt, has a clear focus that aims at a single topic, has an introduction that gets the reader’s attention, and has a definite thesis that is persuasively developed and outlines an argument. The thesis of the essay is developed through a series of main points that are logically structured and coherent, and the essay anticipates and responds to arguments contrary to the main claim. The conclusion of the essay exhibits a fuller development of the central thesis of the essay.
40 points
Evidence: The main points of the essay are supported by textual and/or logical evidence that is fully explicated, analyzed, and synthesized into a persuasive argument.
30 points
Grammar: The essay employs correct English grammar and punctuation, and uses language that is appropriate, precise, and concise. The paragraphs of the essay are unified and coherent, and focus on a single thought and contain transitional sentences between paragraphs that contribute to the logical development of the argument.
15 points
Style: The essay varies its use of phrases, words, clauses, and sentences by using a rich tapestry of metaphors, patterns, and styles, and the essay is formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style.
15 points
100 points

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