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Fieldwork—Observation(s) of Social Life  Make certain to read chapters three thr

June 12, 2024

Fieldwork—Observation(s) of Social Life 
Make certain to read chapters three through seven before completing this assignment and take the chapter quizzes before completing the assignment.
Students will observe their social world and apply key concepts of sociology. The terminology and key concepts found in chapters three through seven are the building blocks for the sociology discipline. This assignment centers on these fundamental principles.
Note that all social settings have norms that guide the individual. Norms are derived from values. For example: Three values at CSN are achieve, succeed and prosper. Norms such as responding to phone calls or emails (in the dyad of student-teacher) represent the shared value of student achievement. Norm violations would be failure to ask or to respond to relevant queries or to address an email to “hey, Ms. or ma’am”, instead of Professor. In all social settings folkways are present.
Anomie: a state of social and moral disorder; normlessness.
Notes from the TextbookLinks to an external site. https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-3e/pages/5-references
As you can imagine, people employ many types of behaviors in day-to-day life. Roles are patterns of behavior that we recognize in each other that are representative of a person’s social status. Currently, while reading this text, you are playing. the role of a student. However, you also play other roles in your life, such as “daughter,” “neighbor,” or “employee.” These various roles are each associated with a different status.
Sociologists use the term status to describe the responsibilities and benefits that a person experiences according to their rank and role in society. Some statuses are ascribed—those you do not select, such as son, elderly person, or female. Others, called achieved statuses, are obtained by choice, such as a high school dropout, self-made millionaire, or nurse. As a daughter or son, you occupy a different status than as a neighbor or employee. One person can be associated with a multitude of roles and statuses. Even a single status such as “student” has a complex role-set, or array of roles, attached to it (Merton 1957). It is important to note that status refers to the rank in social hierarchy, while role is the behavior expected of a person holding a certain status.
If too much is required of a single role, individuals can experience role strain. Consider the duties of a parent: cooking, cleaning, driving, problem-solving, acting as a source of moral guidance—the list goes on. Similarly, a person can experience role conflict when one or more roles are contradictory. A parent who also has a full-time career can experience role conflict on a daily basis. When there is a deadline at the office, but a sick child needs to be picked up from school, which comes first? When you are working toward a promotion, but your children want you to come to their school play, which do you choose? Being a college student can conflict with being an employee, being an athlete, or even being a friend. Our roles in life have a great effect on our decisions and who we become.”
Deliverables for Assignment Two:
Part One
List at least ten key terms or concepts that apply for each of the three observations. Define the term according to the textbook and also one other source. Then, in your own words write a definition of the term or concept.
Apply the concept to each of the settings or write a narrative account of your observations incorporating examples of the terms defined. 
Some terms to consider defining and applying: Roles, statuses, status set, folkways, mores, aggregate, primary, groups, secondary group, dyad, triad, coalitions, socialization, media representations, gender roles, hierarchy, social class, values, value clusters, cultural lag, beliefs, attitudes, collective consciousness, deviance, master status, ascribed status, achieved status, cultural capital, embedded capital, reference group, subculture, counterculture, labeling theory, differential association theory, role strain, role conflict, and the like.
In addition to the textbook, this link may of help: Key ConceptsLinks to an external site..
Complete an observation for each of the three categories; primary group (family, close friends), secondary group (school, work or team sport) and an aggregate (public setting like on the Strip). These are your personal observations, where you put on your scientific hat and pay attention to your social world.
Answer the following for each of the three social settings:
Describe the social setting (size, statuses, roles etc.).
Offer examples of concepts from the textbook material that you noted in your definitions.
What folkways did you observe? (Standing in line, washing hands, walking on the right). 
Discuss the value represented by the norm observed (the line establishes a value of fairness, for example).
Describe any breaches and sanctions observed (someone took cuts or let others in front of them).
Were the sanctions formal or informal? Positive or negative?
For the observations: Provide evidence of attendance (a selfie, picture of a menu, ticket stub, video or flyer for the event), copy of an email or text, be creative. This is material culture.
Part Two
Identify three social positions that you occupy and list three roles for each. Identify these as Ascribed or Achieved.
Consider these three social statuses-Gender, Race-Ethnicity, Social class. Rank these in order that you think they influence your life chances (opportunities in life). Which status seems to have the most impact on you?
Role conflict and role strain are present in our lives. Conflict occurs between statuses and strain within a status position. Provide an example of role strain or role conflict that you have experienced.
Part Three
Lastly, post key points made in the following Pathway/Road Map videos.
The Secret Life of Norms
What is Gender?
How Language Shapes the Way We Think
Part Four
Copy of your Discussion Two contributions.

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