Method section of the research report description of participants, apparatus and stimuli, and procedure in concise way, with APA format (According to the explanation, related materials of the experiment)
-Reports all necessary elements using appropriate subheadings -Particularly clear and succinct description, precise attention to detail Explanation of experiment design, with relevant independent and dependent variables
-Explains how the groups differed, provides explanation of within-subjects variable, and describes the relevant measures used.
-Demonstrates a clear understanding of the subtleties of the within-and between-subjects design, describes design elements clearly and succinctly (possibility making use of tables if appropriate ) includes in design: – the 2×2 NOVA instruction : 100% 40% No instruction 100% 40% IVs DVs boader between subjects, each experience certain conditions (Need to say: Only ppl who completed 5 section are included 9 exclusion (why)