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b. The MNC wants to expand in new markets. Mexico is a foreign Country chose (host country), explain your reasons for choosing the host country. State clear reasons for your choice of host country. Do a profile of the country, to include its strengths and weaknesses
Important: Describe where in Mexico? Country profile strength and weakness
c. There are different ways to enter a foreign market. Discuss the different options and explain how you will enter the foreign market. (example, franchise, acquisition). Choose a location in the foreign country (city). Explain why you chose the city
Important: Discuss the different options and explain how you will enter the foreign market, advice which one is the best and why
d. Identify the gap in the market. Explain the potential for growth, is there some evidence that consumers in the foreign country will purchase your product?
It can be based on STATS /market research – Discuss accurately
e. Discuss the competitive advantage of the corporation