DISCUSS MAINLY ON BOOK 2, 1-2 sentences about book 1 in the Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal- THIS IS ONE BOOK WITH 2 PARTS
Book Two of The Sunflower presents 53 responses from theologians, former prisoners of war, psychologists, philosophers, spiritual leaders, and at least one former Nazi soldier who weigh in on Simon’s decision. You have read and discussed a selection of the essays chosen by the class, and may have read more on your own. In 850 to 1000 words (3.5 to 4 pages), explain which essay’s argument or point makes the most sense regarding Simon’s dilemma. Briefly introduce the author, and include a summary of the writer’s stance, using principles covered in chapters 2-5 of They Say/I Say, focusing on the most relevant points. Analyze sections that speak to you, paraphrasing and using shorter quotes to prove you are presenting the text accurately. Integrate quotes into your own sentences, providing context so readers understand the original intent. (Use the author as the grammatical subject as needed.)
Because essays in Book Two share similar arguments or themes, focus on ONE essay’s point, but refer to at least two other essays – one that supports the reasoning, and one which expresses an ostensibly opposing view. Present the view you don’t agree with fairly, explaining why it is less convincing.
Your entire essay reflects your opinion, your perspective, so there’s no need to pepper it with “I believe” or “In my opinion.” Your job is to explain why a particular point or argument is more logical or reasonable. If you are so moved, relate the point to a current situation, if it is appliable.
Check Your Essay For:
A thesis telling which essay/argument makes the most persuasive case regarding Simon’s situation
At least five quotes WITH PAGE NUMBERS from essays in Book Two of The Sunflower, introduced and integrated into your own sentences
Focused, clear prose (with the active verb voice) as opposed to abstract, stilted phrasing
Paragraphs that are organized by function or specific points (not author)
A minimum of three noun phrase appositives, underlined