I’m working on a writing project and need guidance to help me study.Training Program DesignYou have been approached by your employer who has asked you for guidelines for the development of a training environment that would support effective integration of emerging technologies. For this journal you will create an outline that summarizes your guidelines for the training environment, as well as the emerging technologies you would suggest for integration and why. Prior to completing this journal review New Media Consortium (2016).Instructions: Complete the following:In a few sentences, describe a problem in your place work that could be addressed through a training solution.
State the overall goal of the training and the impact it will have on the organization.
State the setting that the training will take place in. For example, is it the human resource department for a healthcare organization, the customer service area of an insurance company, the College of Business for a University, etc.
Explain what emerging technologies might be used in the training environment. Be sure to address:What technologies would be used.
How the technologies would be used.
Why you would select those technologies.
What prerequisite knowledge and skills employees might need to effectively use the technologies.
Requirements: 600 words | .doc file