Post 2 questions Remember that one of the marking criteria is that students need to “post well before the deadline so that others have sufficient time to respond.” So, do not wait until near the deadline to post questions and join these peer conversations.
Questions below are just examples main topic is
Describing compliance-gaining that should be the main topic for discussion
Persuasion: Integrating Theory, Research w/KHP Content & KHQ
Edition: 5th
ISBN: 9781792446191
Author: Frymier
Publisher: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
1. Explain the three levels of influence
2. Describe compliance-gaining
3. Compare and contrast the three compliance-gaining typologies presented
4. Describe and provide examples of propaganda tactics
5. Describe and provide examples of sequential request strategies
6. Explain how compliance-gaining, propaganda, and sequential request strategies relate to the levels of influence
This is an example of what the discussion should be plus two questions to ask the class
The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasiveness is a fundamental theory about the thinking process that is likely to occur when there is an attempt to change an individual’s attitude through communication. The model explores how humans process differently and the outcomes of the processes resulting in attitude change. It is vital in changing peoples’ attitudes.
The two routes of persuasion are the central route to influence and the peripheral route to persuasion. The peripheral route happens when an individual is persuaded by something other than the message’s content. The central route to persuasion occurs when the content convinces an individual of the message. They play a role in determining whether an individual’s attitude will change. The motivation to process the message and the capability to be keen will determine its route. Low motivation leads to the peripheral route, while high reason leads to the central route.
Some factors affect motivation to process and ability to process. These factors include; activation, persistence, and intensity. Activation initiates a decision to a behavior. Persistence is the extended effort to achieve a goal. Intensity is the concentration that is given to achieve specific goals. The central route to persuasion is best when the target of influence is analytical and willing to engage in processing the information. Attitude is a factor that can affect how an individual takes the info after being presented with impact. Objective data processing is achieved; when the target of influence has processed the data and achieved a reasonable apprehension. Biased processing of data happens when an individual has no objective and has favoritism toward a thing or person. It is perceived as the skewed presentation of information. The commercial advertisements use peripheral cues because there is less elaboration. Persuasion happens when the listener agrees with the message and the strength of the argument.
My questions to the group are as follows:
What should be observed to ensure that there is successful persuasion?
How can we change the listener’s attitude to increase the chances of successful influence?