1. 5-7 page (double-spaced) paper (-5 points for each page short)
2. Describe the person’s behavior that may be symptoms of the disorder. Make sure the symptoms fit the disorder. 20 points
3. Consider the etiology/origins of the disorder in this particular case. 20 points
4. Explain some effects the disorder has on the individual’s social or school/job functioning. 20 points
5. Describe what you think would be the best treatment option and why. You may describe more than one treatment option. You may describe more than one treatment option, but at least one treatment must have been demonstrated to be effective EMPIRICALLY.
If you suggest other treatments that do not (yet) have empirical support, please say so, and why you think the addition of this treatment may be useful. If there is no empirically support treatment yet available for the disorder you are describing (for example, Antisocial PD, DID), please say so. 25 points (Note: If you misdiagnose your case or recommend treatments for which you cannot cite empirical support, you will automatically lose 25 points off your paper grade.)
6. Go to the library and find at least one outside article (not book) to bolster your treatment decision and cite it in the text in APA format (Author, Year). Use the OneSearch on-line database in the library to find a list of possible articles. 5 points
7. Create a reference page where you list your references in APA format (for examples, see the textbook). 10 points (Note: We recommend citing original, published journal articles, not websites which summarize them. However, sometimes it is necessary to cite a website. The APA format of citing an on-line article is: Author, I., (date). Title of full work [On-line]. Available: Specify path.