Explain parental rights and also provide an outline of the individualized education program (IEP) process.
Things to include:
1. A summary of the IEP process
(a) Who is at an IEP meeting
(b) What are the main things/sections contained in an IEP (i.e. (c) what will be discussed at a meeting).
(c) What forms are used throughout the process (i.e. IEP, Prior Written Notice, Invitations, Re-evaluation etc..)
(d) Explanation of common acronyms
(e) Links to other potential resources
2. Explanation of parent rights
(a) Required timelines
(b) What services should be being provided to the student
(c) What information should be provided to justify any decisions
(d) What can a parent do should they disagree with any decisions
Infomation: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/formsnotices/documents/NYSEDProceduralSafeguardsNoticeJuly2017v2.pdf
No essay format is needed but please add an in-text citation. Please include each required point and explain each point below.