2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Explain how your company’s business could be affected by the transition to a net-zero economy.

June 21, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Business being analyzed: GoPro
Best reference for this project is the filed called “example of SP20 playbook” attached in additional materials.
The playbook is for (re)designing business to operate a business environment that is far more uncertain and volatile, especially due to the climate crisis, the most critical challenge of our time, it should offer the reader a clear understanding of your work, step by step, and how it provides the company a value as a whole, i.e. not only that the work on each step is clear, but there is also consistency across all stages and they make sense altogether, not just individually. The playbook should represent your work on the company you explore in this project, taking the reader through the five stages of the journey map that we explore in this course:
Getting ready (phase 0),
gaining clarity (phase 1),
finding leverage (phase 2),
acting strategically (phase 3),
and learning, prototyping and adopting (phase 4).
For each phase, you need to answer two questions:
Phase 0 – Getting ready:
Q.1 – What does this moment mean for the company? Describe the company (1 paragraph). Explain how your company’s business could be affected by the transition to a net-zero economy. What are the opportunities and the risks that this transition poses for the company?
Q.2 – What tools and frameworks did you use in this phase? What did you learn from them? See the work you did on the first progress report for reference.
Phase 1: Gaining clarity
Q.1 – What are the key forces driving the behavior of the company (from the inside and the outside)? Consider the forces inside the company (as reflected for example in the company’s culture and value chain analysis) and outside the company (who are the key forces in the company’s ecosystem that are critical to the value created by the company?)
Q.2 – What tools and frameworks did you use in this phase? What did you learn from them? Show the three levels of culture, value chain analysis, and ecosystem map.
Phase 2: Finding leverage
Q.1 What opportunities for leverage, i.e. areas of leverage in the system that could create a large impact, did you identify? Explain where did you find effective leverage points (they could be inside and/or outside the company) to create a large impact (what would this impact be?). What possible actions do you consider as opportunities to drive the desired change/s? Make sure these actions are consistent with your replies on phases 0 and 1.
Q.2 – What tools and frameworks did you use in this phase? What did you learn from them? See weeks 9-10 for reference. Show your table of identifying leverage points (with at least 3 actions) and a theory of change for the two actions you find most promising.
Phase 3: Acting strategically:
Take a strategic approach to exploit the opportunities you identified in phase 2
Q.1 Answer the 5 strategy questions make sure the opportunities you identified in phase 2 are aligned with your replies (revise opportunities if necessary). Please note that your replies should reflect how you envision the strategy for the company over this decade based on the changes we discussed in the business environment.
Q.2 Write down WWHTBT (what would have to be true) (Attached in additional materials) to materialize the three actions you identified in phase 2 – discuss the WWHTBT barriers and how to overcome them.
Phase 4: Prototyping, learning, and adopting
Q.1 Will the mental model in the company need to change to increase the odds that your plan for the company will succeed? If so, how?
Base your reply on your insights from the materials: McKinsey (https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/how-to-double-the-odds-that-your-change-program-will-succeed#) and
BCG. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfzFllmL4Cg)
Q.2 Design a prototype to test one of your recommended actions. Your goal: Maximum learning with minimum effort [What is the least that you need to design to validate your key assumptions for the recommendation you focus on?]. Show/discuss your prototype and add a completed test card for it.
After completing all four stages, write in one paragraph your key takeaways from this project.
There is no word limit, but please be succinct. Make sure to provide proper references to any data you include in the report (Chicago style citation).

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