For this assignment, you will be reading an interview on the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.
Once you have read the content, in one full paragraph, tell me (in three sentences minimum) one specific thing that you learned from the article. In your second paragraph, tell me some specific information that you would have liked to have seen discussed further in the article (in three sentences minimum). Then, choose any vocabulary words from any of our chapters for 5 terms total.
Explain each of these vocabulary words in an anthropological way (defining each term in your own words, not directly from the notes) in relationship to the article. Each vocabulary word should be defined in one sentence and each relationship in another sentence. Make sure each of your examples comes directly from the interview on genocide only!
Your assignment should be typed, spell-checked, written in full sentences, and should be turned in for full credit by 8AM on May 15 to the appropriate Canvas drop box. Check your syllabus for the tardy policy. This is worth 25 points.