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Examining Nursing Specialties Choosing a master’s program in nursing can be q

July 10, 2024

Examining Nursing Specialties

Choosing a master’s program in nursing can be quite challenging, especially with numerous universities offering the same program in different formats. Each format has its advantages and challenges. Factors such as lifestyle, learning preferences, financial costs, program duration, class scheduling, and flexibility play a crucial role in decision-making. When I decided to pursue further education, I carefully evaluated and aligned these factors with my circumstances and career goals to choose a program that fits me best. Keeping in mind that planning for the future may not be easy but it is always worthwhile. (Wilson,1999)

In the initial stages of my exploration, I contemplated pursuing a career as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. For a brief period, I deliberated on this notion, convinced that acquiring firsthand experience in a mental health facility would benefit my endeavors as a mental health nurse. This would necessitate my resignation from my current role as an emergency department nurse. However, I soon realized that leaving the emergency department was not a sacrifice I was willing to make. Some say it is destiny, others believe it is being in the right place at the right time. (Kerr & Macaskill, 2020)

I have realized that my passion lies in the fast-paced environment of the emergency room. From the moment patients arrive to when they leave feeling better, I find the work incredibly rewarding. I enjoy the constant flow of new faces and medical challenges, as it keeps me engaged. Unlike my previous experience in the medical surgical unit, where I felt like I was not learning anymore, working in the ER has allowed me to develop many new skills. This experience serves as a motivation for me to pursue a career as a family nurse practitioner, where I can work with patients of all ages and backgrounds, which contributes to enriching my professional experience.

The professional organization I selected is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, widely recognized as the largest professional organization for nurse practitioners across all specialties. (Goolsby, 2009) There are several steps involved in becoming a member. Enrollment begins with applying for student membership via the official website. Becoming an association member comes with diverse benefits tailored to support educational and professional development. These include access to educational materials, webinars, networking opportunities, career planning resources, legislative advocacy information, regulatory updates pertinent to nurse practitioners, subscriiption to the official journal, access to publications and research articles, as well as opportunities for scholarships and grants for student education and research. (Goolsby, 2009)

After carefully considering my options, I have decided to pursue the MSN program at Walden University to become a family nurse practitioner. This program aligns perfectly with my career goals, allowing me to study full-time and graduate in two years. I believe that this program, along with the resources provided by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, will equip me with the tools needed to succeed in the nursing profession. I am excited to embark on this journey and look forward to the career advancement it will bring.

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Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

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