Reflect upon this quote and then respond to the following questions from the perspective of your current/future nursing practice.
“The value for innovation, however, focuses on creating disruption. Most nurses would say no more disruption is needed in the healthcare system. Yet, when considering disruption as a different way of thinking about a problem or a different solution to something that is being addressed without dramatic progress, it makes sense to value disruption” (Crenshaw & Yoder-Wise, 2013, p. 25).
Discussion questions:
1. What is your initial response to this quote?
2. How does the idea of “creating disruption” in the work environment make you feel?
3. Examine the connection between disruption and innovation. Can you have innovation without disruption?
4. How will you apply the strategies for risk-taking described by Crenshaw & Yoder-Wise (2013) to your current/future nursing practice?
5. Describe the “pearls of wisdom” that you’ve learned from the module’s learning materials and how you will apply them to your current/future nursing practice.