2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Every thing you need will be provided in the files section . please this is a b

Every thing you need will be provided in the files section . please this is a big assignment for me so this has to be perfect and it may be a couple pages more than ten.
this paper is very literature review based. I will provide an example paper along with the research guide we are only covering chapters 1 to 3. like I said before this is literature based and u will notice that in the example paper that ever piece of a the paper has literature provided.
I also have done parts of the paper such as the annotated bibliography and etc.
please follow the research guide and ask questions if you don’t I will fail this class and try not use big words if you can simplify them because I do have to go and talk about this paper and it’s hard too if I don’t know what things mean.
Title Page: This page must contain the title of the research, the semester and year of its completion, and the full name of the student.
Approval page: The approval page contains the title of the paper, spaces for the signatures of the Head of the Criminal Justice Department and defense committee members.
Tables and Charts: The page(s) must be within the same margins as the text. It must contain computer print outs, mathematical calculations and other charts or graphs referred to in the body of the paper. It must be numbered serially, and must indicate the source from which they were obtained.
Illustrations: Illustrations and photographs must be within the same margins as the text and must be numbered serially. Copies of illustrations and photographs derived from other manuscripts must indicate the source from which they were obtained.
Figures: Figures and charts must be numbered consecutively and placed at the end of the manuscript in the appendix. The appropriate page or pages numbers of such figures must be shown in the text.
Margins: Margins on top, bottom, left and right of each page must be a minimum of one inch. Page numbers must stand within the margin and must be no less than half inch from the top or the bottom of the page.
Pagination: The body of the text must be numbered consecutively in ARABIC numerals including tables, illustrations, appendix and reference. The title page is not numbered, but other pages that are not part of the body of the paper, and numbered consecutively in ROMAN FIGURES.
Paper, Paper type, and Typeface: Erasable paper is unacceptable. Any standard white bond paper is acceptable. Holes must not be punched in the paper. Number 12-font Times New Roman size typeface must be uniform throughout the paper.
Final Copy: Must be thermo-bonded with a transparent front cover and a Maroon colored back cover. The title of the paper, name of the author and semester and year of completion must be clearly visible. The final copy becomes the property of Bethune-Cookman University as soon as it is submitted to the professor.
Corrections: Ink corrections, strikeover, past over, or use of correction fluids are unacceptable on the final copy. Insertions at the beginning, between or at the end of lines are also not acceptable.
Quotations: If the quotation is 40 or more words long it must be set off from the text in single spacing and indented from left and right marginal lines in its entirety. Each quotation must contain the name of the author from whose work the quotation was obtained. It must also contain the year and page of the work from which the quotation was lifted. (Refer to APA manual for complete description).
Style and style manual: The style recommended for styles and methods of documentation guidelines is APA writing style. Students should also refer to the tips listed below carefully, and make sure that the senior paper is in compliance with the requirements.
Length of senior paper: While there is no set page number, to be acceptable, a senior paper must not be less than 20 pages long. Pages numbered in Roman figures will not be included in such count.
this is all that needs to be done
The abstract must not exceed one page and must be typed double-spaced. It must briefly discuss each of the following in a separate paragraph:
• The topic/title of your senior paper
• The social/criminal justice problem connected with the topic
• The hypothesis and variables used in the study (if applicable)
• The research techniques used to collect data
• The major findings of the study
• Whether or not your findings confirms or rejects your hypothesis
• How your study will help to improve the work of criminal justice professionals.
First Sentence: This sentence must contain a brief discussion of (a) the topic and (b) how the topic relates to a social problem within the criminal justice system.
Second Set of Sentences: This paragraph must contain (a) a brief description of the research method that was used to obtain data for the study, (b) how data was obtained by using each method and (c) the hypothesis and variables developed for the study (if applicable).
Third Paragraph: This paragraph must contain a brief explanation of the major findings of the study. (NOT APPLICABLE IN 498)
Fourth Paragraph: This paragraph must contain a brief explanation of how the results of the study will help to improve the work of professionals in the discipline of criminal justice system. (NOT APPLICABLE IN 498)
Table of Contents
​​​​​​​​​​ ​ Page
Chapter 1: Introduction​1
​Statement of the Problem​2
​Background and Justification​3
​Purpose of the Study​4
Chapter 2: Literature Review​5
​Strengths and Weaknesses​12
​Significance of the Study​13
Chapter 3: Methodology​14
​Measurements and Variables​17
​Research Questions​20
​Data Analysis​21
​Ethical Considerations​23
Chapter 4: Discussion​24
​Research Questions Addressed​27
Chapter 5: Conclusion​28
Civic Engagement and Responsibility​29
A​Title of Appendix​32
​B​XXXXX ​33

Must have at least 10 different sources (books, journals, newspapers, periodicals, etc).
Introduce your topic to your readers (topic must contain a social problem).
Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Problem (What is the problem and what is causing the problem)
Background and Justification
Background and Justification of the problem (evidence the problem exists)
Purpose of the Study
Purpose of the study (why is your study necessary)
Literature Review
• Must have at least 10 different sources (books, journals, newspapers, periodicals, etc).
• Include a discussion of the theoretical or conceptual framework within which the study will be grounded
• Provide a synthesis of the findings in a summary regarding to the problem area, including additional evidence as to the nature and/or the importance of the problem
• Make clear the need for further studies
• Critique the literature (agreements and disagreements)
Strengths and Weakness
• List strengths and weaknesses in previous researches.
• List any deficiencies in evidence (ex: small samples, organization specific, other problems within the study
Significance of the Study
• Why this study is necessary and what do you plan to add to the topic by conducting this study? Why is this study significant?
• (Name the methodology and show why it is appropriate?)
• Research design or approach used (Why is this design appropriate?)
• State your hypothesis, explain it and support your stance
• Who is the audience (Who are you writing to and who should read your research)? Why is the audience the most appropriate?
• Who are the participants (give all demographics and descriptions)
Measurements (Quantitative Study Only) and Variables
• What will you use to measure your study/How will you measure your study?
• What are the variables (Independent and dependent variables)?
• What Instruments will be used in the study? (Case study, survey, questionnaire, etc)
• What are the procedures (How will you conduct this research?)
Research Questions
• What are the research questions in this study?
Data Analysis
• How will you analyze the data?
• Give all limitation (limits you may encounter that may prohibit or slow the research)
Ethical Considerations and Confidentiality
• Describe any confidentiality/HIPAA issues? (Describe any confidentiality issues with the participants or organizations) Describe any ethical considerations?

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