2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Presentation and PowerPoint Submit

August 1, 2024

Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Presentation and PowerPoint

  • Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload


The purpose of this assignment is intended to allow the student to show evidence of the following course objectives:

  • Examine social determinants of health and health equality
  • Compare how nurses improve health care access and quality
  • Synthesize ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice, AACN Essentials, and QSEN Competencies to assure accountability for care outcomes


The Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Presentation and PowerPoint are designed to address the impact on advanced-level nursing practice, education, and healthcare delivery trends. You will select one of the Essentials to teach to your fellow classmates (submitted in Week 6). You will develop a 15 – 20-minute lesson on your selected Essential. Do not record more than 20 minutes! Use the competencies and sub-competencies to provide the clinical application of the Essential in nursing practice. The presentation will be posted to Canvas to be viewed by your classmates as well as faculty.

Education is part of the advanced-level nurses’ skill set. This assignment allows you to practice assembling and presenting an educational topic to others. Do not assume your peers and I have deep knowledge about your chosen essential. As an ARNP, you will be educating patients, fellow nurses, and other leaders.

This assignment REQUIRES voice elements in the presentation (you must record your presentation of the PowerPoint), if the file is too large to load to Canvas, it will need to be saved as a .wmv or mp4 file and uploaded to YouTube as an “UNLISTED” video. You will need to submit the link in a Word document in this drop box.

See the description in the syllabus and rubric below. NSG 5110 Essentials Presentation and Letter to Editor Instructions download NSG 5110 Essentials Presentation and Letter to Editor Instructions


This assignment needs to be submitted following APA format (See the South College Guide to Writing Professional Papers _APA7.pdf in the Student Resources if you have questions regarding APA and PowerPoint). Citations from References that are synthesized from the assigned article, course text, evidence-based and peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are required. A minimum of 3 resources are used. References must be current within 5 years.

This assignment REQUIRES voice elements in the presentation (you must record your presentation of the PowerPoint), if the file is too large to load to Canvas, it will need to be saved as a .wmv or mp4 file and uploaded to YouTube as an “UNLISTED” video. You must submit the link in a Word document in this drop box. Please email your instructor for assistance if you need help saving or uploading your presentation.

NOTE: Evidence of plagiarism will result in a score of 0 for this assignment. Repeat offenses of plagiarism will result in more significant repercussions per the South College student handbook.

Evaluation: The following rubric will be used to score this assignment.

DUE TUESDAY by 11:59 pm EST


Essentials – PowerPoint Presentation

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlanning

10 pts

Meets Critieria

Project clearly and completely outlines the subject of presentation.

5 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Project partially outlines the subject; lacking in complete planning.

0 pts

Does Not Meet Criteria

Poor planning, lacking complete or partial subject of presentation.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

20 pts

Meets Critieria

Logical sequence of information and Essential clearly identified on title slide of PPT.

10 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Project has somewhat logical sequence and Essential is identified, but either not on title slide or not clearly.

0 pts

Does Not Meet Criteria

Poor or no logic and Essentials not listed.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent & Subject Knowledge

50 pts

Meets Critieria

Presentation covers Essential completely and in depth knowledge. Information is clear, appropriate, and accurate.

25 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Presentation includes some Essential information. Some information is confusing or incorrect.

0 pts

Does Not Meet Criteria

Presentation includes little essential information or knowledge of subject.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication

50 pts

Meets Criteria

Presentation includes competencies with clinical application and examples from clinical nursing practice and/or healthcare delivery.

25 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Presentation includes some competencies with minimal clinical application and examples from clinical practice

0 pts

Does not meet criteria

Presentation includes little competencies with no clinical application and examples from clinical practice.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedia Design, Text, Graphics, and Color

10 pts

Meets Critieria

Presentation is attractive and appealing to the viewer(s). Appropriate related to topic/subject.

5 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Most media design contributes to the presentation. Moderate use of graphics or color.

0 pts

Does Not Meet Criteria

Minimal or no media design/graphics; distracts from the presentation.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElocution (Professionalism)

20 pts

Meets Critieria

Uses clear voice and effective voice enunciation so that viewer (s) can hear and understand presentation.

5 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Voice is clear. Difficulty hearing presenter.

0 pts

Does Not Meet Criteria

Mumbles, speaks too softly, difficulty, hearing, and understanding.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA/Spelling

5 pts

Full Marks

No errors in APA, spelling or grammar.

2.5 pts

Partially Meets Criteria

Minimal errors (2-3) in APA formatting, grammar or spelling.

0 pts

No Marks

Many errors in APA formatting, grammar or spelling.

5 pts

Total Points: 165

Essentials of Professional Nursing Education — Letter to the Editor

  • Submitting a file upload


The purpose of this assignment is intended to allow the student to show evidence of the following course objectives:

  • Examine social determinants of health and health equality
  • Compare how nurses improve health care access and quality
  • Examine the professional well-being of nurses and research opportunities
  • Synthesize ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice, AACN Essentials, and QSEN Competencies to assure accountability for care outcomes


Advocacy is essential for the advanced practice nurse. One of the ways to advocate and share your message is through a letter to the editor. To develop a strong letter to the editor, include your personal experiences, take a stand and advocate for your position, and end with recommendations or a call to action.

The student will submit a 4-5 page APA letter to the editor for a nursing journal that will argue why the chosen Essential is imperative to include in current practice (4-5 pages, not including title page and reference pages).

  1. Write the letter to the editor for a nursing journal through the lens of your selected Essentials of advanced level education in Nursing topic (I-IX).
  2. Research and read 3 nursing articles related to the selected Essential – the articles must be cited within the letter to the editor.
  3. Discuss and integrate the selected advanced level Essential with ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice and QSEN Competencies. NSG 5110 Essentials Presentation and Letter to Editor Instructions download NSG 5110 Essentials Presentation and Letter to Editor Instructions


This assignment needs to be submitted following APA format (title page, headings, reference page, etc.). The 4-5 page number count does not include the title page and reference pages. Citations from References that are synthesized from the assigned article, course text, evidence-based and peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are required. A minimum of 3 resources are used. References must be current within 5 years

This assignment will be submitted below through Canvas and automatically run through TurnItIn. Please click here for more information on TurnItIn: TurnItIn Resources Course faculty monitor for the compliance of citations with Turnitin evaluation of the assignment during the course session.

NOTE: Evidence of plagiarism will result in a score of 0 for this assignment. Repeat offenses of plagiarism will result in more significant repercussions per the South College student handbook.

Evaluation: The following rubric will be used to score this assignment.

DUE SUNDAY by 11:59 pm EST


Essentials of Professional Nursing Education Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssential of Professional Nursing EducationThe assigned Essential of Professional Nursing Education is clearly identified and integrated into the clinical topic.

40 pts

Full Marks

The assigned Essential of Professional Nursing Education is clearly identified and integrated into the clinical topic. Clinical topic is appropriate for assigned Essential.

20 pts

Partial Points

Essential is identified, but not well integrated into the clinical topic. Or clinical topic doesn’t align well with assigned Essential.

0 pts

No Marks

Essential is not clearly identified in clinical scenario discussion.

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrationThe selected Advanced-level Education Essential is discussed and integrated with the ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice and QSEN Competencies

50 pts

Full Marks

The selected Advanced-level Education Essential is discussed and integrated thoroughly with the ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice and QSEN Competencies – examples and scenarios are incorporated demonstrating how they all integrate. AACN competencies and sub-competencies are clearly stated and appropriately applied

25 pts

Partial Points

The chosen Advanced-level Education Essential is described, but may be missing information on how it integrates with the ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice and QSEN Competencies OR the Essential is only integrated with Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice OR the QSEN Competencies

0 pts

No Marks

The selected Advanced-level Education Essential is not discussed and integrated thoroughly with the ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice and QSEN Competencies

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrationThe selected Advanced-level Education Essential is discussed in relation to health equity

20 pts

Full Marks

The selected Advanced-level Education Essential is discussed in relation to health equity. AACN competencies and sub-competencies are clearly stated and appropriately applied

10 pts

Partial Points

The chosen Advanced-level Education Essential is described, but may be missing information on how it integrates with health equity

0 pts

No Marks

The selected Advanced-level Education Essential is not discussed and integrated thoroughly with health equity

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLetter to the EditorIncludes key concepts for editorial writing – claims are supported and/or defended; advocacy for your position; personal experiences shared; make a call to action

35 pts

Full Marks

All key concepts are included in the letter to the editor.

18 pts

Partial Points

Key concepts are described, but not defended/supported. OR a few concepts were included.

0 pts

No Marks

Key concepts were not discussed

35 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSourcesMinimum of 3 scholarly sources researched, discussed, and cited in the body of the letter to the editor.

15 pts

Full Marks

Minimum of 3 scholarly sources researched, discussed, and cited in the body of the letter to the editor.

7 pts

Partial Points

1-2 scholarly sources researched, discussed, and cited in the body of the letter to the editor. OR Minimum of 3 non-scholarly sources used.

0 pts

No Marks

No scholarly sources

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA formatting (including cover and reference page), correct grammar, and spelling.

15 pts

Full Marks

No Errors in APA, grammar or spelling.

7 pts

Partial Points

Minimal errors (2-3) in APA formatting, grammar or spelling.

0 pts

No Marks

Many errors in APA formatting, grammar or spelling.

15 pts

Total Points: 175

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