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Essay Prescribed Textbook: Barlow, D.H., Durand, V.M., Hofmann, S.G., Du Plessis

April 8, 2024

Prescribed Textbook:
Barlow, D.H., Durand, V.M., Hofmann, S.G., Du Plessis, L.M., & Visser, C. (2023).
Psychopathology: An integrative approach to mental disorders (2nd SA ed.). Cengage
Learning EMEA.
Case Study
Essay Format 
· The essay must be in British (United Kingdom) English. 
· The essay needs a Table of Contents. I have attached below how they want the Table of Contents to look. The Table of Contents needs to align with the Headings of the essay. APA 7th Edition must be used.
· The essay also needs an Introduction, Body and Conclusion. 
· The essay must be a maximum of 2500 words. 
· 12 Times New Roman and double line spacing must be used for this essay. 
· Please use subheadings in this essay. APA 7th Edition must be used. Please follow the APA 7 guidelines. 
· Note a minimum of 10 references must be included in the essay and reference list. One is allowed more than 8 references, though. 
· You can use the references provided, but please use a few (1-2) new references.
Length:    Word count: Maximum of 2500 words.
Marks:                         100
What is a case study?
Davis (1993) defines case studies as stories that represent real, complex and contextualized situations, which often involve dilemmas, conflicts or problems with no obvious solution. Case studies can take different forms, ranging from simple situations to complex scenarios, and can be presented as multiple or single cases, as well as simulations based on real problems or based on people’s own experiences (De Miguel, 2005).
The student’s ability to unpack and demonstrate their understanding of a case, and to apply a theoretical approach and literature to better understand and make sense of a case will be assessed. Furthermore, the student’s ability to demonstrate their engagement in critical thinking, following a logical decision-making process, reflecting and evaluating potential solutions to the given dilemmas, and demonstrating how they can integrate theory and practical application and apply their knowledge to propose potential solutions will be assessed.
Please read the following case study and in an essay respond to the points that follow.
John is a 27-year-old man who comes to you for help at the urging of his fiancée. He reports that he used to work as a paramedic for 2 years, until 2 months ago, when he resigned. His fiancé has told him he has “not been the same” for the last 3 months and it is impacting their relationship.
Although he offers few details, upon questioning, he reports that he has significant difficulty sleeping because he has vivid nightmares. He endorses experiencing several “horrible” events during his time as a paramedic but is unwilling to provide specific details – he tells you he has never spoken with anyone about them and he is not sure he ever will.
He is only willing to share that he has been in situations where he either felt personally threatened or saw others in threatening situations. He spends much of his time alone because he feels irritable and doesn’t want to snap at people, and so rarely goes out (except to go to work) and reports he isn’t interested in doing things that he usually derived pleasure from and feels disconnected from his fiancée and friends.
He reports to you that he finds it difficult to perform his duties in his current administrative job because it is boring and gives him too much time to think. At the same time, he is easily startled by noise and motion and spends excessive time searching for threats that are never confirmed both when at work and at home. He describes having intrusive memories about his “horrible” experiences daily, but he declines to share any details. He also avoids seeing friends from his old job because seeing them reminds him of experiences that he does not want to remember.
Finally, he reports that in the last 3 months, he has increased his alcohol intake and now drinks excessively to help him cope with his intrusive thoughts and difficulty sleeping (i.e. six or more drinks per sitting, but not feeling “too drunk”). Due to the heaviness and frequency of his drinking in recent weeks, John has called in sick a few times from work to recover from drinking the night before. He reports he has tried to cut down his drinking because of the interpersonal problems it causes with work and his fiancée but has struggled to do so.
In an essay format, please address the following points in your response to the case study. Please ensure that your essay provides an in-depth critical analysis of each of the points and demonstrates a clear understanding of the concepts involved. Use credible sources to support your arguments and cite them accurately.
1. Primary Diagnosis: Using the DSM-5-TR criteria, please identify the primary diagnosis that you would assign to John and provide evidence to support your answer. Please refer to the American Psychiatric Association website for DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria, as well as your prescribed reading material. Please ensure that your response is not in point form.
2. Comorbid Disorders: Select the correct comorbid diagnosis from the 2 possibilities provided: a) Avoidant personality disorder or b) Alcohol Use Disorder. Provide evidence from the DSM-5-TR to support your answer.
3. Aetiological Factors: Explore the primary and comorbid disorder(s) identified in the case study in relation to aetiological factors. The focus of this discussion should be on aetiolgical factors specifically related to gender.  
4. Challenges of Working with the Disorder: Provide a critical review of the particular challenges of working with the identified disorder(s) in the case study. In particular, challenges from a South African perspective should be central to the discussion.
Length: 2500 words maximum
Please Note:
Where you provide a quote or definition or refer to another author’s view, please reference the 
author in the text and the reference list.
They assess your understanding, application and analysis of the content.
Length: 2500 words maximum
* Make sure you address all the points above in your essay.
* All answers provided should be supported by academic resources and literature. 
* Make use of the readings and further research.
* Where you provide a quote, a definition or refer to another author’s view, please reference the author in the text and the reference list.
* Use APA 7th Edition guidelines by including references and in-text citations to support your discussion. 
* Provide at least 10 academic references and adhere to APA guidelines. 
Additional Prescribed Reading:
Swain KD, Pillay BJ, Kliewer W. Traumatic stress and psychological functioning in a South African adolescent community sample. S Afr J Psychiat. 2017;23(0), a1008. National Library of Medicine.
Wyatt, G. E., Thames, A., Simbayi, L., Stein, D. J., Burns, J., & Maselesele, M. (2017).
Trauma and mental health in South Africa: Overview. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 9(3), 249-251
Recommended Reading:
McLea, Hilary, & Mayers, Pat. (2017). The Grief and Trauma Project: a group work approach to restoring emotional and spiritual health to women in bereaved and traumatised indigent communities in the Western Cape, South Africa. Social Work , 53(4), 423-444. Research Gate.
Ntatamala, I., & Adams, S. (2022). The correlates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in ambulance personnel and barriers faced in accessing care for work-related stress. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 2046. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8871647/
Michael, Tanja & Streb, Markus & Häller, Pascal. (2016). PTSD in paramedics: Direct versus indirect threats, posttraumatic cognitions, and dealing with intrusions. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 9. 57-72. Research Gate.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298801694_PTSD_in_Paramedics_Direct_Versus_Indirect_Threats_Posttraumatic_Cognitions_and_Dealing_With_ Intrusions
Alcohol Use Disorder
Recommended Reading:
Mohasoa, I., & Mokoena, S. (2019). Challenges facing rural communities in accessing
substance abuse treatment. International Journal of Social Sciences and
Humanity Studies, 11(1), 35-50. ISSN: 1309-8063 (Online)
Mpanza, D. M., & Govender, P. (2017). Rural realities in service provision for substance
abuse: a qualitative study in uMkhanyakude district, KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. South African Family Practice, 59(3), 110-115. Taylor & Francis Online.
Szerman, N., Torrens, M., Maldonado, R., Balhara, Y. P. S., Salom, C., Maremmani, I., … &
World Association on Dual Disorders (WADD). (2022). Addictive and other
mental disorders: a call for a standardized definition of dual
disorders. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1), 446.
Robinson, S.M., & Adinoff, B. (2016). The classification of substance use disorders:
Historical, contextual and conceptual consideration. Behavioral Sciences, 6(18),
1-23. Doi.10.3390/bs6030018
Winstead, B. A., & Maddux, J. E. (2016). Psychopathology: Foundations for a
contemporary understanding (4th ed. Ch.14). Routledge.
The prescribed textbook is also attached however chapters might be different.
Use the textbook and the references provided, but please use a few new references.
Please read the instructions and follow the rubric exactly as it is.
This marker is strict. Everything has to be done accurately.
Case Study
Essay Format 
· The essay must be in British (United Kingdom) English. 
· The essay needs a Table of Contents. I have attached below how they want the Table of Contents to look. The Table of Contents needs to align with the Headings of the essay. APA 7th Edition must be used.
· The essay also needs an Introduction, Body and Conclusion. 
· The essay must be a maximum of 2500 words. 
· 12 Times New Roman and double line spacing must be used for this essay. 
· Please use subheadings in this essay. APA 7th Edition must be used. Please follow the APA 7 guidelines. 
· Note a minimum of 10 references must be included in the essay and reference list. One is allowed more than 8 references, though. 
· You can use the references provided, but please use a few (1-2) new references.
Length:    Word count: Maximum of 2500 words.
Marks:                         100
What is a case study?
Davis (1993) defines case studies as stories that represent real, complex and contextualized situations, which often involve dilemmas, conflicts or problems with no obvious solution. Case studies can take different forms, ranging from simple situations to complex scenarios, and can be presented as multiple or single cases, as well as simulations based on real problems or based on people’s own experiences (De Miguel, 2005).
The student’s ability to unpack and demonstrate their understanding of a case, and to apply a theoretical approach and literature to better understand and make sense of a case will be assessed. Furthermore, the student’s ability to demonstrate their engagement in critical thinking, following a logical decision-making process, reflecting and evaluating potential solutions to the given dilemmas, and demonstrating how they can integrate theory and practical application and apply their knowledge to propose potential solutions will be assessed.
Please read the following case study and in an essay respond to the points that follow.
John is a 27-year-old man who comes to you for help at the urging of his fiancée. He reports that he used to work as a paramedic for 2 years, until 2 months ago, when he resigned. His fiancé has told him he has “not been the same” for the last 3 months and it is impacting their relationship.
Although he offers few details, upon questioning, he reports that he has significant difficulty sleeping because he has vivid nightmares. He endorses experiencing several “horrible” events during his time as a paramedic but is unwilling to provide specific details – he tells you he has never spoken with anyone about them and he is not sure he ever will.
He is only willing to share that he has been in situations where he either felt personally threatened or saw others in threatening situations. He spends much of his time alone because he feels irritable and doesn’t want to snap at people, and so rarely goes out (except to go to work) and reports he isn’t interested in doing things that he usually derived pleasure from and feels disconnected from his fiancée and friends.
He reports to you that he finds it difficult to perform his duties in his current administrative job because it is boring and gives him too much time to think. At the same time, he is easily startled by noise and motion and spends excessive time searching for threats that are never confirmed both when at work and at home. He describes having intrusive memories about his “horrible” experiences daily, but he declines to share any details. He also avoids seeing friends from his old job because seeing them reminds him of experiences that he does not want to remember.
Finally, he reports that in the last 3 months, he has increased his alcohol intake and now drinks excessively to help him cope with his intrusive thoughts and difficulty sleeping (i.e. six or more drinks per sitting, but not feeling “too drunk”). Due to the heaviness and frequency of his drinking in recent weeks, John has called in sick a few times from work to recover from drinking the night before. He reports he has tried to cut down his drinking because of the interpersonal problems it causes with work and his fiancée but has struggled to do so.
In an essay format, please address the following points in your response to the case study. Please ensure that your essay provides an in-depth critical analysis of each of the points and demonstrates a clear understanding of the concepts involved. Use credible sources to support your arguments and cite them accurately.
1. Primary Diagnosis: Using the DSM-5-TR criteria, please identify the primary diagnosis that you would assign to John and provide evidence to support your answer. Please refer to the American Psychiatric Association website for DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria, as well as your prescribed reading material. Please ensure that your response is not in point form.
2. Comorbid Disorders: Select the correct comorbid diagnosis from the 2 possibilities provided: a) Avoidant personality disorder or b) Alcohol Use Disorder. Provide evidence from the DSM-5-TR to support your answer.
3. Aetiological Factors: Explore the primary and comorbid disorder(s) identified in the case study in relation to aetiological factors. The focus of this discussion should be on aetiolgical factors specifically related to gender.  
4. Challenges of Working with the Disorder: Provide a critical review of the particular challenges of working with the identified disorder(s) in the case study. In particular, challenges from a South African perspective should be central to the discussion.
Length: 2500 words maximum
Please Note:
Where you provide a quote or definition or refer to another author’s view, please reference the 
author in the text and the reference list.
They assess your understanding, application and analysis of the content.
Length: 2500 words maximum
* Make sure you address all the points above in your essay.
* All answers provided should be supported by academic resources and literature. 
* Make use of the readings and further research.
* Where you provide a quote, a definition or refer to another author’s view, please reference the author in the text and the reference list.
* Use APA 7th Edition guidelines by including references and in-text citations to support your discussion. 
* Provide at least 10 academic references and adhere to APA guidelines. 
Additional Prescribed Reading:
Swain KD, Pillay BJ, Kliewer W. Traumatic stress and psychological functioning in a South African adolescent community sample. S Afr J Psychiat. 2017;23(0), a1008. National Library of Medicine.
Wyatt, G. E., Thames, A., Simbayi, L., Stein, D. J., Burns, J., & Maselesele, M. (2017).
Trauma and mental health in South Africa: Overview. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 9(3), 249-251
Recommended Reading:
McLea, Hilary, & Mayers, Pat. (2017). The Grief and Trauma Project: a group work approach to restoring emotional and spiritual health to women in bereaved and traumatised indigent communities in the Western Cape, South Africa. Social Work , 53(4), 423-444. Research Gate.
Ntatamala, I., & Adams, S. (2022). The correlates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in ambulance personnel and barriers faced in accessing care for work-related stress. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 2046. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8871647/
Michael, Tanja & Streb, Markus & Häller, Pascal. (2016). PTSD in paramedics: Direct versus indirect threats, posttraumatic cognitions, and dealing with intrusions. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 9. 57-72. Research Gate.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298801694_PTSD_in_Paramedics_Direct_Versus_Indirect_Threats_Posttraumatic_Cognitions_and_Dealing_With_ Intrusions
Alcohol Use Disorder
Recommended Reading:
Mohasoa, I., & Mokoena, S. (2019). Challenges facing rural communities in accessing
substance abuse treatment. International Journal of Social Sciences and
Humanity Studies, 11(1), 35-50. ISSN: 1309-8063 (Online)
Mpanza, D. M., & Govender, P. (2017). Rural realities in service provision for substance
abuse: a qualitative study in uMkhanyakude district, KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. South African Family Practice, 59(3), 110-115. Taylor & Francis Online.
Szerman, N., Torrens, M., Maldonado, R., Balhara, Y. P. S., Salom, C., Maremmani, I., … &
World Association on Dual Disorders (WADD). (2022). Addictive and other
mental disorders: a call for a standardized definition of dual
disorders. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1), 446.
Robinson, S.M., & Adinoff, B. (2016). The classification of substance use disorders:
Historical, contextual and conceptual consideration. Behavioral Sciences, 6(18),
1-23. Doi.10.3390/bs6030018
Winstead, B. A., & Maddux, J. E. (2016). Psychopathology: Foundations for a
contemporary understanding (4th ed. Ch.14). Routledge.
The prescribed textbook is also attached however chapters might be different.
Use the textbook and the references provided, but please use a few new references.
Please read the instructions and follow the rubric exactly as it is.
This marker is strict. Everything has to be done accurately.

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