2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Essay Notes – A Biblical Paradigm for Change ●      Assignment Overview: ○     

July 5, 2024

Essay Notes – A Biblical Paradigm for Change
Assignment Overview:
○      Write a four (4) page paper (minimum, not including title page or
references page) in which you will synthesize and apply at least three new
insights from the Christ Formed in You
book by Brian G. Hedges (attached eBook)
Your deliverables will
be to use these insights in your Christian walk and how you might utilize those
insights in helping future clients.
Please use at least 6
quotations from the Hedges Text and 3 from the Bible (use NIV).
○       Format should be APA 7th
edition, student paper. (See attached rubric below)
Rubric: see attached
●      Potential Insights and Applications: Feel free to
use these general thoughts. Make sure to rewrite/expand, though.
1. The Necessity of
Tuning the Heart: Hedges discusses that Christian growth and spiritual
transformation begin with the transformation of the heart, creating inner
change rather than mere behavior modification or outward conformity.
“Unless the heart changes, we don’t change (Hedges, 2010, p. 82)”.
Application in personal faith: challenges me to
prioritize what is happening inside of me and consider what drives me over
external appearances. It encourages deeper introspection, reflection, and
reliance on the Holy Spirit for inner change. Practicing spiritual disciplines
such as daily prayer, reading scripture, silence and solitude, and The Examen
become essential in cultivating a heart formed into being like and reflecting
Application in helping clients: When working
with clients, especially those struggling with habitual patterns or destructive
behaviors, this insight can guide the counseling process by helping clients
understand the importance of heart transformation. I can help them identify
underlying heart issues and guide them toward practices that foster change in
their life.
2. The Role of
Suffering: Hedges discusses the important role of suffering in spiritual
development. While painful, suffering is a guarantee in this life. “In
this world you will have trouble…” John 16v33 How we suffer shapes us.
Rather than run or avoid our suffering, we can use it to grow.
Application in personal faith: This insight
encourages me to view my sufferings as opportunities [for growth, fostering
hope and resilience] rather than mere obstacles.
Application in helping clients: This insight
can provide a hopeful perspective for clients facing life’s challenges. Helping
clients find meaning and growth in their struggles can empower them.
3. The Importance of
Community: Hedges underscores the necessity of community in growth and change.
God’s design for our growth and good is not done in isolation but in
relationships. (p. 266-267)
Application in personal faith: This motivates
me to continue leaning into living in a community with my church brothers and
sisters, building meaningful relationships, sharing life (not just the shiny
bits), and bearing witness to one another as we walk toward becoming more like
Jesus and doing what Jesus did. This insight reinforces the importance of
accountability, mutual encouragement, and shared values and spiritual
Application in helping clients: This insight
can be utilized by encouraging clients to seek and build supportive
communities, faith-based or not. A communal approach can provide essential
emotional and physical support and facilitate holistic healing and growth.

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