2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Each part must be answered and parts kept seperated and listed (EX: Part 3, Part

Each part must be answered and parts kept seperated and listed (EX: Part 3, Part 3.A, Part 3.B)
Part 1.
Base on the videos you have viewed from the Opening Case, p. 3 of text Kasikorn Bank (K-Bank) of Thailand how might you respond to the problems, issues/or challenges the organization faces?
Why is it important to expend the effort of improving the performance of an organization?
If you were part of the leadership team at K-Bank, what types of human resource issues would you like to see emphasiized concerning bank employees?
What types of training programs do you think might be appropriate for training managers?
How about for trainng employees?
Are there other things you would include in addition to formal training (e.g. other types of developmental opportunities)? 
How might all of this fit into the business strategy (or strategies) that the bank is pursuing?
A manager states, “HRD must become more strategic.” 
What does this statement mean, and what can HRD professional do to practice “strategic HRD?”
Part 2
From the Opening Case, p. 105 of text “Bank in India” how might you respond to the problems, issues/or challenges the organization faces?
A.   Can training solve or resolve all of an organization’s performance issues, problems and/or challenges?
B.   Assume you are part of a consulting team working on a project for a bank.  First, from what group of or groups of emplyees would you target to obtain relelvant information and why?
Second, wht types of information would you like to see concerning how training needs are identified at this bank?
Finallly, how might this bank effectively use its training efforts to promote organizational goals and a positive bank culture?
C.  Look back on the HPT Model. Think for a moment about either a job you had, or a job you currently       have.
Do you recall any gaps on your previous or current jobs?
Identify a gap, or what is known as a performance gap.
Part 3
A local energy utility companny recently under went a reduction in force (RIF).
What do you think is likely to happen to workplace learning after this recent downsizing?
What can this organization do to support employees who remain after the downsizing?
What would you do if you become a supervisor because your supervisor has been laid off?
A.  The task analysis, job task analysis, or operations analysis is a systemtic collection of data about a specific job or group of jobs used by the instructional systems designer (ISD) to determine what employees should be taught to achieve optimal performance in sequencing of their instructional content. The sequence of content may be revised when finding, gathering, winnowing and sorting through new information to incorporate into our training program.
Why do you believe as an instructional systems designer the analysis step (the first step in the ADDIE process) is important and should be approached as though you were a learner?
B.  Briefly describe three ways that coworkers can affect an empolyee’s behavior at work.
Part 4
Assume you are an HR professional at an organization seeking to promote both individual and organizational agility, what recommendations would you make concerning how organizations might seek to attract, select, develop, and retain “agile” individuals?  Focus particualrly on learning and development activities that could foster workplace agility.
Discuss the factors that can affect whether training tranfers back to the job.  Which two factors do you feel are the most important to ensure transfer?
Support your choices!
As we move through out our journey in this course I use the term “facilitate and/or facilitator (to make easier), over that of teacher and/or instructor.
Because when we speak of Employee Training and Development (T & D), or Learning and Development (L & D), or  Talent Development (TD), or even Technical Vocational Education (TVE) we generally apply “adult learning theory, or adult learning.”
In adult learning theory we use andragogical approaches . . .  over that of pedagogical approaches.
Please explain the difference between andragogy and pedagogy and why it is commonly applied in the transfer of learning of adult learners?
Part 5
What options are available to BMO concerning how learning is designed and provided to employees?  That is, how much of this (in terms of dosage) do you think should be provided via synchronous classroom trainng, and how much via asynchronous online or e-Learning?  Finally, how would you promote the use of material learned in BMO U offerings back on the job?
A.   How might being inclusive of specific employees or team members (in an organization) in providing their input be helpful in the implementation of a succesful training intervention?
Part 6
If you were involved in the anlysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of a nurse manager’s leadership training program, what types of  intended learning outcomes would you emphasize?  Are there any particular tools, techniques or strategies of learning approaches that you would want to emphasize? Why?
To what extent would you emphasize technology-based or technology-enhanced learning?  Would you seek to involve nurses, nurse managers, and healthcare managers in developing this new training intervention, and if so, how?
A.  What kinds of training(s) would be appropriate for an asynchronous e-leaning program(s), and which kinds of training may be more appropriate for synchronous or face-to-face learning and why?
Part 7
If you were evaluating the results of this training intervention, what measures would you like to have available; that is, what key performance indicators (KPIs) might show an impact on the performance on sales associates?  Stated another way, what types of evidence do you think C-suite individuals (CEO, COO, CFO, CLO, etc.) and project champion would find convincing that the training was having a positive or negative impact on the organization’s bottomline?
How would you go about collecting data (as information) for the measures you selected?
A.  Most HRD professionals agree that the evaluation of workplace learning interventions is valuable. In your opinion, what are the most important reasons why it is not practiced more frequently by organizations?  How can this push-back by organizations be overcome?
B.    How might you apply Kirkpatrick’s 4/5 Model of Evaluation in the design of a training intervetion for Delta Airline Flight Attendant Trainees in the part-task of emergency evacuation procedures? 
You are designing the evaluation to show that flight attendants can satisfactorily demonstrate emergency evacuation procedures correctly and apply them on the job.
Which level(s) of Kirkpatrick’s 4/5 Model of Evaluation would you choose to show as evidence that Delta Flight Attendant Trainees have gained the appropriate compentencies?
How might selecting a specific training or learning outcome over another affect (influence) your choice(s) of how learning is measured?
Support your choice(s)!

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