2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Due Jun 9 Available from May 13 until Jun 9 40 points possible UnsubscribedManag

May 14, 2024

Due Jun 9 Available from May 13 until Jun 9
40 points possible
UnsubscribedManage Discussion
Discussion Topic: Module 11 Discussion: Anatomy of a SceneModule 11 Discussion: Anatomy of a Scene
Peruse the movie titles contained in the lists below. You may use either popular streaming services for this assignment, the streaming services offered through the FSW library, or some combination of both for this week’s discussion assignment. If you decide to use the FSW library databases to access movies, go to www.fsw.edu/libraryLinks to an external site.. Have your banner ID and password (last four digits of your social security number) ready so that you can sign into the library site when asked to do so. On the library home page, click on the “Articles in Database” tab in the Center of the page. Once it opens, click on the Streaming Video tab at the bottom of the page and choose either Feature Films for Education Collection or Swank Motion Pictures. Search and click on the movies of your choice.
This week’s assignment involves watching two movies, one from list A, the other from list B. The movies in list A are serious, dramas and a documentary; list B features comedies. Several of the films are available through the streaming video databases accessible through the FSW library website, while others can be found on popular streaming sites like YouTube and Netflix.  Included in parentheses are the names of streaming services where the movies in each list can be found, although there may be sites that carry them other than those mentioned in the list.  After watching one selection of your choice from each list, you will write a short synopsis of both films, and then a brief analysis of a scene from one-and only one-of the movies.
Start off with a brief synopsis of the one you aren’t analyzing. Be sure and include some details as you go, details like how the film was paced, and how the scenes and technical details contributed to the overall dramatic or comedic effect of the movie. Next, give a brief synopsis of your second film, then focus on one scene that seemed particularly effective. Get inside the structure of the scene, looking at things like how the shots are set up, how the sequence is edited (the cuts) for effect, how the lighting and direction and acting contribute. Is the scene comedic or dramatic (be mindful that a dramatic scene can appear in a comedy and vice versa)? Does the ambience or set or lighting of the scene seem to contribute to the overall effect? (In movies like The Godfather, for instance, interior scenes are usually dark and cavern-like, making the set feel like the underworld). Does the scene in some way join meaningfully to the broader message of the movie? Be sure and use some of the terms that have been learned in this course to give rigor to your analysis.
Post your synopses and analysis in this discussion. Feel free to use any visuals that you think would help, or that might make the posting look good. Your initial post should be at least 350 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses. Please include the word count in your initial post. Reply to at least one other post by the due date. 
List A (Dramas)
Moonlight (Swank Motion Pictures. Also on Netflix)
Gimme Shelter – documentary (YouTube)
Night of the Living Dead (YouTube)
M – Fritz Lang (YouTube)
Lady Bird (Swank Motion Pictures. Also on Netflix)
Memento (YouTube)
List B (Comedies)
The General – Buster Keaton (YouTube)
What We Do in the Shadows (Hulu)
Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Swank Motion Pictures)
Hard Day’s Night (YouTube, paid)
Jojo Rabbit (Feature Films for Education)
Charade (Feature Films for Education. Also on YouTube)

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