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Does the media shows bias? As usual, this essay should be three to four pages in

May 1, 2024

Does the media shows bias?
As usual, this essay should be three to four pages in length; this time, be sure to include a Works Cited page (see MLA format (google it/ use OWL at Purdue) for details or see the citation description below).
1. Read the following article, “Media Bias” https://www.studentnewsdaily.com/types-of-media-bias/
if the link does not work, search for the article title or google “types of media bias” and look for Student News Daily. see also the Library Guide on Media Bias.
These links/ articles will provide some context on media bias. You do not have to quote or cite them in your paper– they are for reference and your better understanding of the topic.
2. Go to www.allsides.com and look for a top-of-the-page topic (features stories) that addresses politics or public policy. Read all three versions of the same story: Left, Center, and Right. Think about the following:
-What facts were included in all three stories?
-Was there one news source that contained facts the other two did not? Why might that be?
-What did you notice about the diction (word choice) used?
-Was there (mis)leading or subjective language to favor one point of view over another?
You may also compare headlines if you do not want to go so far as quoting the articles. Look for loaded word/ phrases or words that have or imply different meanings. For example, the word “should” as in “the President SHOULD…” is stronger than “the President MAY WANT TO…” Include such examples in the body of your paper.
3. Write your essay on this topic, using examples (or refer to) the articles you’ve found on allsides.com:
Does the media shows bias?
Hint for a thesis: The media does (or does not) show bias. (it’s OK to keep it simple).
Some ideas to get you started (like the questions above in #3, you do not have to address all of these ideas in your paper):
In your introduction, discuss some general information on media bias and problems associated with it. Some items to consider: think about whether media bias is prevalent today (compared to a year ago, a decade ago, a century ago, etc.) You may want to define the perspectives of the media—right, left, and center– or discuss the various means by which many get their information in the modern age. In the body of the paper, provide a headline of the general news story and/or a very brief summary of the story/ issue.
Then SHOW (provide examples and analysis) how the story gets distorted or changes throughout the various versions on allsides.com. This should take several paragraphs and you may want to outline your thoughts and ideas first.
As you conclude (remember that a conclusion can be more than a paragraph), drive home your points about whether or not media bias exists and be sure to address the opposing view (if you have not already done so in the body of your paper). Consider the following: What are the short and long-term effects of media bias, if it exists? Is the media solely to blame for media bias OR Is the public to blame for choosing sides or news sources when seeking what is going on/ current events?
Finally, discuss what needs to take place as a mean of change; here are some thoughts you may want to consider for your final plea or call to action: What should journalists/ media do? What should the public do when seeking news? Ultimately, what should people know about “news”? How can individuals arm themselves with true and accurate information in order to be educated and informed of current issues in the state/ country/ world? Remember that you do not have to address ALL the suggestions and or questions that I have included here; I hope these ideas help you shape your paper and cover all necessary angles of the topic.
5. Include a Works Cited page. Remember that more than one work is plural– that is, workS
Though you are not required to refer to “Opposing Views in Context: Media Bias” or any other article in your paper, include a citation for it (them) if you did. Definitely cite the articles you referred to while comparing the news stories (Left, Right, Center from allsides.com). See MLA format (visit the OWL at Purdue) on how to cite, but in general, citations from websites should follow this sample format—see also the sample essays and look at their citations/ format—:
Lundman, Susan. “How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” 11 Nov 2013. eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_make-vegetarian-
chili.html.* Accessed 9/3/2017.
Breakdown of the above citation: -First, author(s)’s last name followed by author’s first name (sometimes it is a media outlet like BBC Press or AP, so just list that). Then include the article title in quotes.
Next, include the date of publication. It usually follows the author’s name at the top of the article. -Then, the name or website—BBC News or Huffington Post, etc. -Next, copy the url and place a period after it. -Finally, include the date YOU accessed this article. Be sure to indent second, third, etc., lines and double space your citation as it is above.
Finally, alphabetize your sources by author’s last name. If there is no author listed, alphabetize that particular citation by the article title. If you need help with this paper, please contact me AFTER you have completed #s 1,2, and 3 above (i.e., after you have chosen and read your news topic and three articles on that topic).
Ethics and Morality/ Persuasion: A more argument-based theme, Ethics and Morality deals with often subjective questions of right or wrong, good or bad, reward and punishment, and fairness. While this theme also incorporates the previous themes (especially the Human Condition), it is also important to consider other related ideas. Law, rules, regulations or anything that seeks to maintain a peaceful coexistence amongst humans may or may not coincide with religion, beliefs and values to which an individual or group might adhere.

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