2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


DISCUSSION INSTRUCTIONS: Based on your study of risk management principles and c

June 27, 2024

Based on your study of risk management principles and concepts discussed in this class to date, and after thoroughly reviewing this video, Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Best Practices (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioCIWy3H_-M) :
First, describe at least three ways in which this video will assist you as a security operative for a Fortune 1000 company in protecting an organization’s employees, visitors, and its other tangible and intangible assets.
Once you have completed the first segment of the response, describe in a second response the specific actions you would take consistent with this week’s learning objectives to prepare for a crisis like Hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and Ian in 2022, or fires, floods, earthquakes, utility failures, and a host of other possible emergencies so the organization can manage and survive the disaster or other emergencies and ensure the organization’s continued visibility and capability. 
Privatizing Core Police Services: A Growing Trend in Providing Public Safety
You have just been elected to a four-year term to the City of Millville, USA, Board of Commissioners responsible for managing the operations of the municipality with a population of 30,000 residents . The new mayor appoints you to administer the Department of Public Safety, which includes the police and fire departments, court services, and emergency management. The mayor discusses with you one of the most significant issues confronting the city put forth by citizens during the campaign, i.e., the rising crime rate in the city, particularly in “downtown” area where restaurants, entertainment establishments, and other businesses are located and experiencing a rising tide of gang activities, assaults, serious vandalism, theft, and burglaries.  They have vehemently complained about police ineffectiveness and the comportment of police personnel when interacting with the community. You are, of course, aware of those complaints since they were a “hot” topic during the campaign debates.
As her very first directive, the mayor requests that you undertake an exploratory study that considers a potential innovative way to address the problem that has been employed by other jurisdictions for years where successes and disappointments have occurred.  The mayor asks that you explore the suitability of privatizing all core police services in the city or even supplementing the police department with private security police to assist with their fundamental responsibilities.
The mayor wants you to write a report that addresses the factors causing the increased crime in the city and the dynamics causing the police department’s inadequacies, which are the foundations for the complaints voiced by our citizens.  Additionally, the mayor stressed to you she wanted a comprehensive review of all the benefits and drawbacks or risks of employing private security operatives to perform the essential duties of a police officer. The mayor specified that categories of inquiry should include, but not limited to, a brief introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the report; a brief historical overview of the relationship between private security and law enforcement; pre-employment and training standards; regulation and licensing issues; social, constitutional and legal authority concerns; accountability for actions; overall professionalism and demeanor; and economic impact.
In broad terms, the mayor asks that you distinguish the views held by critics and advocates regarding such an initiative. Based on your findings, the mayor wants you to provide a clear recommendation for or against privatizing core city police services in any fashion and explain your rationale supporting your position.     
Format Requirements:
Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1”margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course.
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information.  These must be cited in your text as well as referenced at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.
Be sure to use course resources, as well as outside resources, to support your thoughts.

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