2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


discussion 8 As a student learning Airport Security as described in your textbook on Chapter 8.

June 2, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

discussion 8

As a student learning Airport Security as described in your textbook on Chapter 8.
The events of September 11, 2001, were certainly most tragic, and as a result future, concerns regarding the security of airports, and the aviation system in general have been addressed in a much more proactive manner.

Prioritizing airport security has resulted in rapid developments in security technology and significantly increased security funding, and has led to addressing issues long considered a concern by many members of the traveling public. Protecting against unknown future threats is an imperfect science, and as such, the future of airport security will always be an unknown entity. Concerns for the safe, secure, and efficient travel of passengers and cargo domestically and internationally will always be a top priority for the civil aviation system, and it can be assured that efforts to make the system as secure as possible will continue to be held in top priority, by all levels of government, as well as airport management, for the foreseeable future.

Answer the following questions

Mention and explain three major technologies that are used to control access to sensitive security areas at airports?

What are biometrics? What are some of the technologies that are considered to apply biometrics to the airport security environment?

How does airport security differ between commercial service airports and general aviation airports?

How might airports be affected by TFRs? How might airports better prepare themselves for future threats to civil aviation security?

Discussion 9

Financial planning of an airport is not a static activity. Continuous planning and management is required to adapt to the changing levels in demand, needs for maintaining and improving facilities, and especially the changing levels of revenues and other funding available to the airport.

Answer the following questions

What types of insurance do airports carry?

What are the purposes of each type of insurance?

What are the primary differences between the residual cost approach and the compensatory approach?

How do these cost approaches affect landing fees and other charges?

What elements are considered in establishing the feasibility of using bonds for financing development?

How do airports develop their operating budgets?

Discussion 10

As a student learning Airport and their Relationship to the Economy, the Environment and the Communities They Serve as described in your textbook on Chapter 10.

Whether it be concerning economic, political, or environmental issues, airport management must be prepared to interact with the community that it serves, including tenants that provide air transportation, suppliers and service providers, nonaeronautical tenants, the public who use the airport, and those in the community who never even see the airport.

The challenge for airport management is to understand all the rules, regulations, and policies governing each airport parties’ concerns, and provide an environment that is economically and socially beneficial to all. Airports that are successful in managing these roles are known to be significant positive contributors to their communities. It should be the goal of every airport management team to make such contributions, and hence receive community support for current airport operations and future airport planning.

Answer the following questions

What are the most common pollutants affecting air quality emitting from airport activity?

How do airports contribute to the economic prosperity of the communities they serve?

How have airport–airline relations changed since the years before airline deregulation?

What are airports doing to become more economically and environmentally sustainable?

Discussion 11

As a student learning Airport Planning as described in your textbook on Chapter 11.
Airport planning at local, regional, state and federal levels should be coordinated and integrated. This goal, however, is often difficult to achieve. To some extent, this arises naturally from different areas of concern and expertise. At the extremes, local planners are attempting to plan for the development of one airport, whereas the FAA is trying to codify the needs of several thousand airports that might request aid.

Local planners are most concerned with details and local conditions that will never be of interest to a national planning body.   Even though the airport authority might prepare a thoroughly competent plan, lack of information about other public or private development proposed in the community (or failure of municipal authorities to impose and maintain zoning ordinances) allows conflicts to develop over use of the airport and surrounding land. This problem can be especially severe where there are several municipalities or local jurisdictions surrounding the airport property. Just as there will always be a need for competent airport management, airport planners will always be needed to protect the viability of today’s airport system for the aviation needs of tomorrow.

Answer the following questions

Although the NPIAS is considered the national airport system plan, it often isn’t a complete plan. Why is this? What is the purpose of regional-level system planning in your state airport? Mention the most critical issues addressed by regional-level system planning of that airport?
In your country of origin pick a popular airport and indicate the primary objective of its airport terminal area planning? What factors was taken into consideration in planning the airport terminal area?

What steps are involved in estimating the space requirements in planning airport terminals?

What is an aircraft fleet mix?

Discuss the process involved with environ

Discussion 12

As a student learning Airport Capacity and Demand as described in your textbook on Chapter 12

In the recent years before September 11, 2001, the single most pressing issue in the commercial aviation industry was that of airport capacity and delay. In 2001, demands on the system decreased significantly as fears of terrorism, a declining economy, and financial troubles of the major air carriers reduced the numbers of enplaning passengers and aircraft operations. Demand rebounded to the greatest levels in aviation history soon thereafter, only to decline again with the world economic downturn in the last years of the twenty-first century’s first decade.

In the 2010s this demand rebounded with record numbers of passengers flying on ever larger sized aircraft. To be prepared for this growth, airport planners and management, along with private industries and local, regional, and federal governments, should embrace the principles of airport capacity and demand management and have sought ways to further improve the system to accommodate the future of air travel. While systemwide improvements continue to develop, airport management should always be aware of their individual environments, particularly when it comes to planning and managing capacity.

Answer the following questions

How did the A-380 affect the planning, design, and management of airport facilities?

Discuss the best approaches to reducing delay in Miami Airport?

What are some of the latest technology applications that contribute to the emergence of the “smart airport”?

In your opinion, what is the future of civil air transportation, in general, and airport management, in particular? How will new airport safety management systems impact airport management?

In what ways can airports become more environmentally sustainable? How will FAA reauthorization impact airport management?

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