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Discussion 1 . Micronutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy body, they

June 20, 2024

Discussion 1 . Micronutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy body, they have many important functions within the body. They are vital for energy metabolism, nerve function, red blood cell formation, and supporting our immune system. The first micronutrient I want to discuss is Vitamin D, this vitamin helps with calcium absorption from the intestines. Which is essential for maintaining adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, allowing us to have strong bones and teeth. It also helps with immune function by producing antimicrobial peptides that can destroy viruses and bacteria. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause bone health issues making you more prone to fractures and osteoporosis. It can also lead to muscle weakness and increase the risk for falls. Toxicity symptoms include, hypercalcemia, digestive issues, kidney stones, and muscle weakness. Having adequate amount of Vitamin D can prevent Osteoporosis because they maintain proper calcium levels in the blood. Vitamin D can also reduce the risk for respiratory infections because vitamin D plays a role in modulating immune responses.

The next micronutrient I will discuss is Iron, Iron is essential for oxygen transportation in the blood, supporting immune function, regulation of body temperature and the overall brain development and function. “Signs and symptoms of deficiency are fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, and cold hands or feet. Iron toxicity can manifest as abdominal pain, shock, GI upset, and dizziness. Chronic symptoms can be joint pain, liver damage, cardio issues, or diabetes. Iron plays a very important part in preventing Iron Deficiency Anemia because its necessary for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body” (Rafie & Hamedifard, 2017). Iron also reduces the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight, so it is recommend for pregnant women to take iron supplements.

Discussion 2. Micronutrients, also referred to as trace elements, are compounds that are required in the body in very small amounts but are necessary for normal bodily functions and disease prevention. The two micronutrients that will be discussed are Vitamin D and Iron.

Vitamin D plays a role in the absorption of calcium; therefore, it is essential for maintaining proper bone density to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis. It boosts the immune system and thus reduces vulnerability to diseases. Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets in children, which results in bone deformities and osteomalacia in adults, with manifestations such as bone pain and muscle weakness. Toxicity, overall being rare, manifests with hypercalcemia and, consequently, nausea, vomiting, and kidney disorders. Normal levels of Vitamin D help decrease the risk of getting multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and particular types of cancer. Vitamin D has an anti-chronic disease effect that owes its origin to immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties (Athanassiou et al., 2022).

Iron is used in the production of hemoglobin, which provides transport mediums for oxygen in the bloodstream. It is so important for energy production in the body as well as the proper functioning of the brain. Iron deficiency results in anemia, with symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, poor cognitive function, and compromised immune systems. Overconsumption of iron generates toxicity, which leads to gastrointestinal disorders, liver inflammation, and oxidative stress. Iron helps prevent anemia complications, as well as improves the cognitive processes in children and pregnant women. Iron-fortified interventions are effective in reducing the incidences of anemia due to iron deficiency globally (Waller et al., 2020).

These micronutrients are vital for normal body processes and are essential for the prevention of diseases. It is necessary to maintain proper amounts through food and, if necessary, supplements for proper health.

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