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Discussion 1 history Details Please read the course materials for Week 1 and the

June 14, 2024

Discussion 1 history
Details Please read the course materials for Week 1 and then participate in this discussion. Select one question to respond to for your initial posting. In your two comments to others in the class, be sure to select a different question than was the focus of your initial posting. Does the American West have a different “culture” from the rest of America? If so, what distinguishes it from the culture of the rest of the country? How did the Spanish in the Southwest organize their communities among the natives? What were their social interactions and the role of religion? How did the introduction of the horse and gun impact the indigenous communities in the Great Plains or the Southwest? Discuss ways the Anasazi culture compared to other natives in the Southwest at the time of the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors? Discuss the role disease played in the early settlement of the American West? Is the view of the Spanish as especially harsh conquerors and explorers valid? Peer responses to answer to, 1. Does the American West Have a Different “Culture” from the Rest of America? The culture of the American West is vastly different from the culture of the American East, using the Mississippi River as a dividing line. In the American East, there are more individual communities of immigrants that harbor strong cultural ties with their native lands. For example, the “Pennsylvania Dutch” community, the Irish in Boston, and Italians in New York. These cultural styles permeate throughout the East and do not have as prominent an influence from Spanish culture due to the dominant immigration from countries such as England, France, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Other countries such as Germany, Italy, and Poland also had large numbers of immigrants come to America’s eastern ports in the 19th and 20th centuries. (Outline of US History, 2011) North American immigration was dominated by these countries while South American immigration and cultural subjugation was overwhelmingly the work of the Spanish and Portuguese. These peoples moved west and north into the American West bringing dominant influence on the region without other European competition and integration that was seen in the East. In the West, it is apparent that there is more influence of uniquely Spanish culture in everything from food, fashion, architecture, and their customs. The East does not show the same unique Spanish cultural integration that is encountered in the West. (Bolton, Kiva, Cross, and Crown 1949) In addition to the Spanish influence in the American West, there is a more prominent Native American presence as well. While immigrants in the American East pushed to the west, they forced Native Americans from their ancestral lands and pushed them further and further to the west. Federal establishment of reservations granted lands in the West to Native American peoples which has influenced the cultures in those areas, greater than in the East. (Outline of US History, 2011). Peer response 2. Does the American West Have a Different “Culture” from the Rest of America? The American West undeniably has a distinct culture that differentiates it from the rest of the United States, shaped by its unique history, geography, and social dynamics. One major factor contributing to the unique culture of the American West is its frontier history. Frederick Jackson Turner, in his seminal work on the American frontier, argued that the frontier experience fostered a spirit of independence, self-reliance, and innovation. This ethos of rugged individualism became deeply embedded in the Western psyche, influencing the region’s cultural identity long after the frontier era ended (Turner, 1920). Furthermore, the American West’s cultural diversity is a significant distinguishing feature. The region’s history of Spanish colonization, Native American presence, and subsequent waves of European and Asian immigration created a rich tapestry of cultural influences. This multicultural heritage is evident in the Southwest, where Hispanic cultural elements, such as architecture, cuisine, and festivals, remain prominent. This blend of cultures contrasts sharply with the more homogenous Anglo-Saxon cultural influences predominant in the Eastern United States (“Early America,” UMGC). Geography also plays a crucial role in shaping Western culture. The vast open spaces, arid deserts, and imposing mountain ranges of the West fostered a sense of isolation and self-sufficiency among its inhabitants. This connection to the land is reflected in the region’s literature, art, and environmental attitudes. The Western landscape has inspired a distinct genre of American art and literature, often emphasizing themes of exploration, survival, and the sublime beauty of nature (“National Park Services Preface,” UMGC). Economically, the history of the West has contributed to its cultural uniqueness. Industries such as mining, ranching, and later, technology and entertainment have historically dominated the Western economy. The Gold Rush, the cattle drives, and the rise of Silicon Valley are iconic elements of Western economic history that have shaped the region’s cultural identity. This economic diversity has fostered a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation that continues to define the West (“National Park Services,” UMGC). In conclusion, the American West does have a distinct culture, shaped by its frontier history, cultural diversity, geographical features, and economic developments. These factors combined have created a region with a unique identity that is both independent and intricately connected to its diverse historical roots. Rubric, Answered question by the deadline with required 250-word minimum. Cited required readings at least 3 times using correct Chicago-style method including footnotes. Included no factual errors or misreading of the course materials. Used quotations only for effect and comprised less than 20% of the post. Included an explicit thesis statement.Explained main points from the readings cited. Provided 3 detailed examples to support his/her answer. Provided 3 insights that furthered knowledge of the discussion topic. Communicated the post clearly with good paragraph organization and no grammatical or spelling errors. Clearly described and expressed his/her own conclusions. Peer Response 1 Weight: 20% 10 points for each response to 5 criteria worth 2. Completed peer response to a different Initial Post by the deadline with required 100-word minimum. Communicated peer response clearly with good paragraph organization and no grammatical or spelling errors. Accurately represented the student’s point of view. Included no factual errors or misreading of the course materials. Provided comments and questions that furthered discussion of the topic. Peer Response 2 Weight: 20% 10 points for each response to 5 criteria worth 2 points each. Completed peer response to a different Initial Post by the deadline with required 100-word minimum. Communicated peer response clearly with good paragraph organization and no grammatical or spelling errors. Accurately represented the student’s point of view. Included no factual errors or misreading of the course materials. Provided comments and questions that furthered discussion of the topic.

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