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discuss their insights and offer additional tips and support, pulling from the readings and your own experiences as guidance.

October 9, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

When responding to Taylor and Lillian post, discuss their insights and offer additional tips and support, pulling from the readings and your own experiences as guidance. Remember it’s important to be thorough and honest here
Taylor post
When reviewing each section of my draft, I feel I did particularly well with my first key point paragraph. This was a strong paragraph to make a factual argument. I feel as if the sources that I selected to use in this paragraph make it strong, as it is factual information that I am able to present to my audience. I will use this tactic in the remaining key point paragraphs to make for a stronger argument. Often times when you are able to back up your argument with factual information, it will give your audience more confidence in your argument and the sources you use to support your argument.
While reviewing my draft, I feel as if I need to improve my introduction and conclusion paragraphs. These paragraphs seem very repetitive and not very interesting. I feel as if I need guidance on how to close out these paragraphs without feeling like I have a gap that needs to be filled before jumping into the next paragraph. I am very open to any feedback that anyone can provide to help me round off these two paragraphs for my final submission.
Lillian post
I found the process of outlining and writing my rough draft to be fairly fun and interesting. All the preparation that we did in the previous modules definitely helped when it came time to put words on paper. Looking at my rough draft now, I can see certain aspects of it that were strong and other parts that can use some revision.
My introduction and my first two main body paragraphs seem strong and I feel good about the fact that they will only need minor revisions. Additionally, I think that I did a good job at clearly defining my three key points and defending them. Some parts of my draft that I would like to focus on strengthening are my citations and my counter arguments. When I go to revise my citations, I want to utilize the course resources to make sure I am properly formatting each source to APA standards. Additionally, Dr. Lakatos suggested that I work on including transitional words to provide a better tempo and strengthen my paragraph. This feedback and the feedback that I received about my counter arguments in the writing workshop will be very helpful as I work on revising my rough draft.
Respond to two of your classmates and provide further insight into the impacts of the economic integration on business in that region. You might want to highlight other agreements that were not mentioned by your classmates.
Kristina post
Trade Elements (World Trade Organization)
Major Trading Partners               Exports: EU, United States, United Kingdom, China, India
Imports: EU, United States, United Kingdom, China, United Arab
Major Imports/Exports
Agriculture 9,836
Manufacture 230,750
Fuels & Mining 8,469
Gold, packaged medicines, medical cultures/vaccines, watches,
jewelry (Central Intelligence Agency)
Agriculture 13,384
Manufacture 185,214
Fuels & Mining 15,275
Gold, packaged medicines, jewelry, cars, medical cultures/vaccines
(Central Intelligence Agency)
Regional Trade Agreements and Member Countries
RTAs in force
EFTA – Albania, EFTA- Bosnia and Herzegovina, EFTA-Canada. EFTA-Central America (Costa Rica and Panama), EFTA-Chile, EFTA-Columbia, EFTA, Egypt, EFTA-Georgia, EFTA-Hong Kong, China, EFTA-Israel, EFTA-Jordan, EFTA-Korea, Republic of, EFTA-Lebanon, EFTA-Mexico, EFTA-Montenegro, EFTA-Morocco, EFTA-North Macedonia, EFTA-Palestine, EFTA-Peru, EFTA-Philippines, EFTA-SACU, EFTA-Serbia, EFTA-Singapore, EFTA-Tunisia, EFTA-Turkey, EFTA-Ukraine, EU, Switzerland-Liechtenstein, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Faroe Islands-Switzerland, Japan-Switzerland, Switzerland-China, United Kingdom-Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Accessions: EFTA-Accession of Iceland
RTAs for which an early announcement has been made:
EFTA-Central America-Accession of Guatemala, EFTA-
Ecuador, EFTA-GCC, EFTA-Indonesia, EFTA-India,
Federation/Belarus/Kazakhstan, EFTA-Viet Nam
Business Observations:
Switzerland was the United States’ 19th largest goods export market and the 14th largest supplier of goods imports in 2019.
The United States and Switzerland have strong bilateral ties, though no formal free trade agreement has been negotiated between the two parties.
Switzerland is not a member of the EU however; they do have a series of bilateral agreements with the EU that guarantee some economic advantages.
The EU is Switzerland’s main trading partner
Switzerland is the EU’s fourth trading partner after the US, China and the UK.
Christian post
Trade Elements (World Trade Organization Country Profile, 2021):
Major Trading Partners                          Exports: United States, China, European Union, Republic of
Korea, and Chinese Taipei
Imports: China, United States, European Union, Australia,
Republic of Korea
Major Imports/Exports                      Exports:
Manufactures (611.1 million)
Fuels and Mining (31.1 million)
Agriculture (11.6 million)
cars and vehicle parts, integrated circuits, personal
appliances, ships (Central Intelligence Agency, 2019)
Manufactures (424.1 million)
Fuels and mining (201.7 million)
Agriculture (82.6 million)
crude petroleum, natural gas, coal, integrated circuits,
broadcasting equipment (Central Intelligence Agency, 2019)
Regional Trade Agreements and Member Countries
ASEAN-Japan; Brunei Darussalam-Japan; Chile-Japan; Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP); EU-Japan; India-Japan, Japan-Australia; Japan-Indonesia; Japan-Malaysia; Japan-Mexico; Japan-Mongolia; Japan-Peru; Japan-Philippines; Japan-Switzerland; Japan-Thailand; Japan-Vietnam
Business Observations:
Japan is extremely fortunate to be in trade agreements with numerous countries. This expands their options for goods in exports/imports tremendously.
Most of their trade partners include countries in Asia. I believe it’s due to the fact they’re so close. Japan still has a very close relationship with the US. Japan is the 4th largest trading partner they have.
I feel Japans biggest advantage is their trade in automobiles and products like steel and other manufacture resources. They will always be needed and Japan Leads in most exports in those categories.
Post  replies to Anthony, Hollie, Kayla, and Ashton post and be constructive and professional.
Anthony post
Looking at the discussion post as an HR professional and reviewing the HR Leadership Case Study, the key components of a job ad that would attract the most qualified applicants is to create clear and engaging job description helps attract the right candidates to apply for the job ad. The other key component is to be as transparent as possible. Make sure your job ads reflect your work life by giving specific examples and sharing employees’ stories to demonstrate their positive engagement in your company. (Pavlou, 2021). The best collaborative HR practice for conducting a job analysis and design for the job ad is to collaborate ideas among the department head, departmental subordinates, and HR department to help determine detailed skills and qualification for the position.
According to University of Phoenix Collaborative Learning Task and Group Roles Quick Reference Rubric (2020), when forming a group to collaborate with you must consider the following criteria to maximize the group’s efficiency:
● Understand the value of group work among teams
● Smaller groups promote group ease
● Supports informal group learning
● Fosters social presence and engagement
Hollie post
As an HR professional, how would you go about using a more collaborative approach in gathering information for creating a job ad?
I think getting feedback from employees that have been hired recently, that are qualified and good candidates would help. Ask them what made them stop to review the job posting and apply. Focus groups also help with obtaining information.
In your opinion, what are the key components of a job ad that would attract the most qualified applicants?
I have been applying for jobs very recently since I was laid off from my employer. I see all types of ads for jobs ranging from little to no information to so much you lose interest in reading. I always open the posting and look first for the qualifications needed, then the actual job tasks. I feel like I want to see what the job wants and is before I read about the company and the values etc. Most ads begin with the information about the company, where personally I want to see the details about the job then I will read about the company. I feel like stating exactly what the job is about and the qualifications required specifically will attract the correct people to apply. I know that if I see a job I think I am qualified for, then I read more than a few lines that I actually do not have experience with I will not waste the employers time by applying anyway. Maybe this is not a good approach but for me it is what I prefer.
What are the best collaborative HR practices for job analysis and design?
I think that feedback is a very useful tool. Asking employees and staff about what type of ad would make them apply for the job they have. Currently social media is a useful tool to gain knowledge of opinions and feedback and even for advertising a job.
Kayla post
My most recent job was being a telephone operator for a hospital. During my shifts, it was an extremely stressful environment. From not having enough staff, issues with the hospitals and technology issues, I wanted to rip my hair out. A major issue we had with the hospitals was doctors responding to patients or families in a timely manner. If I knew about the three-step approach back when I was working at the hospital I could’ve helped the situation tremendously.
The first step in the three-step approach is gathering as much information about the situation as I can. I can gather complaints from the patients and the families and I can also speak with the doctor to see what he or she has to say. The second step of the three-step approach is to analyze the consequences for the doctor and the patients/families. If the doctors aren’t getting to their patients/families in a certain amount of time, their health could quickly decline. The last step of the three-step approach is to determine the best way to fix the main issue at hand. Going through all the information gathered and figuring out a way to meet in the middle for both the doctors and patients/families.
Ashton post
I have experienced many ethical problems within my professional life. Most notably was a decision I had to make while working as a certified nursing assistant. Working as a certified nursing assistant was often difficult because staffing was constantly an issue, and as a result, CNA’s often had a patient load of 10-12. When working with long-term residents, you often have to utilize machineries such as the partial lift for partial weight-bearing or full lifts for residents with no weight-bearing capabilities. Anytime these lifts were used, it was state required to have 2 CNA’s present during operation. This was sometimes an issue because 1/4 of your residents might require lifts, and you would have to partner with someone and help with their residents as well. The ethical problem came when I found that some CNAs were using lifts without another aide. A 3-step approach could be used to find the solution to this problem, and I utilized something similar at the time.
The first step was to evaluate the situation at hand. Who were the CNA’s using lifts without help? Why were they using the lifts alone? What am I morally or ethically obligated to do with this information?
The second step was to analyze the consequence at hand for both the other aide(s) and myself. On one hand, it was state regulation for aides to have assistance when operating the machinery and the facility could have legal actions if someone were to get hurt. As previously stated, it was possible for someone to get hurt if an emergency situation occurred and an aide was stuck without help. On the other hand, if I were to alert the supervisors and it was known that I was the one who alerted them, I may be disliked by the other aides and struggle to get assistance when needed.
The third step is to weigh all of the information and determine the best course of action. In my situation, the risk to residents and the facility was far greater than the repercussion I might have had. For that reason, I decided to alert a supervisor who addressed the issue and worked to make access to help easier to obtain.

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