Based on the required 10 hours of observation in various community agencies and programs supporting students and families, candidates will write a 3-5-page paper. Choose two community agencies (such as after school programs, parent support groups, museum-based programs, etc.) to visit.
Your paper should include the following:
1. Interview a staff member of these two agencies and determine the services they provide.
2. Observe services provided for children and their families.
3. Describe and critique your experiences with these visits on the following topics:
a. Meeting the needs of diverse families
b. Development of effective home-school-community relationships
c. Collaborative leadership
d. Describe the effective programs to support families, and/or advocacy.
Write a one-page reflection using the following questions as your guide:
1. Discuss the three most important or meaningful things you learned from your fieldwork experience.
2. Reflect on how you hope to apply what you learned in your fieldwork experience to your own work promoting family and community engagement.
The area where the fieldwork hours are conducted in Yonkers,NY please be sure to include and universal pre-k classroom as one of the two choices for the fieldwork experience. Be sure to talk about providing services for children with individualized educational plans and children who are bilingual and speak Spanish at home. For the second area you can mention the Yonkers Public Library located at 1 Larkin place Yonkers,NY, 10701 you can discuss activities that they offer to low income families and different communities of people in Yonkers and how they partner with Yonkers arts to offer experiences such as gallery exhibits, and art therapy to children with disabilities.