You will record your eating and physical activity habits for two consecutive days in the post-assessment. You must fill out 1 NEW “food intake” form and one NEW “physical activity” form. In other words, you will repeat what you did during the baseline assessment. If your health status hasn’t changed (e.g., become pregnant, have a new health problem), you don’t need a new “MyPlate Plan” from the website. Once you have recorded and analyzed your food intake and physical activity, you need to write a post-assessment analysis comparing your baseline assessment results (1st journal) with the post-assessment (2nd journal). In addition, you will refer to your plan on the baseline assessment write-up from part 1 and see if you followed it. Finally, you update the professor on your progress, including your “action plan” from the food journal part 1 results. If you didn’t have an action plan at your baseline assessment in Part 1, write it now and include it with your post-assessment (part 2) in two separate documents. Once you have compared your food intake in part 1 with your food intake in part 2, you are ready to write the post-assessment write-up paper. It must include the following:
Discuss the difference between your baseline (part 1) and post-assessment (part 2) results. In other words, have you improved or have you regressed from your “action plan”? How?
What changes did you make (or not) in your eating habits since you started recording what you eat? Be specific and explain.
Discuss your BMI and if there is any change. Do you want to change your current weight? Why?
Are you following your eating and exercise plan/goals? If not, what are the barriers that you are still facing? How can you try to overcome these barriers?
The post-assessment write-up section should be 1 full page in length with normal margin and font 12.
You need to summit all 3 documents to get full credit (33 points):
1. 1 new physical activity form (different than 1st one)
2. One new food intake form. MAKE SURE THE FORM IS CORRECTLY ANALYSED AND COMPLETE. (DO NOT use the same one from 1st part)
3. 1 full-page (normal margins/font 12) Post-assessment write-up
Note: save the documents on your computer as world documents and upload them to the assigned area. If you mistake uploading it that prevents me from seeing the document, you will get zero (0) points.
Follow instructions and use the assigned forms available in BB in the “Test Review and Food Journal forms” area.