Discuss some of the differences in legal definitions concerning what constitutes a juvenile. Discuss legal and social definitions of juvenile delinquency. Next, identify and explain two different ways that juvenile delinquency can be measured. Conclude your post by identifying the measurement of juvenile delinquency that you think is most effective and briefly explain the reasons.
Although males still far outnumber females in most categories of delinquency, the gender gap is narrowing. According to a national report, the proportion of delinquency cases that involved females increased from 19% in 1985 to about 27% in 2010 (Sickmund and Puzzanchera, 2014: page 155). What are the possible reasons that more females are getting involved in delinquency today than in the past? https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/nr2014/downloads/NR2014.pdf