I’m working on a business writing question and need support to help me study.Your company is preparing for life after Brexit and requires you to produce areport on the potential economic repercussions in terms of the likely businessenvironment it will face. Discuss BOTH of the following issues:a) If Brexit results in a recession how might the government and Bank of Englandalleviate this with fiscal and monetary policy?
Are there any potential problemswith such policies? (1000 words) (50 marks)b) Since Brexit has resulted in a new trading situation for the UK, discuss thearguments concerning free trade versus protectionism.2000 words plagiarism free General IntroAnswer1 intro / body / conclusionAnswer2 intro / body / conclusion General conclusion You’ll have to write one intro for each answer and one overall intro about what you have written in the assignment Reference 8-15check the file below for more info
Requirements: 2000