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Difficulties in English Language Teaching: A Case Study in Thandaunggyi ’’ Abstr

April 8, 2024

Difficulties in English Language Teaching: A Case Study in Thandaunggyi ’’
English language teaching (ELT) faces unique challenges in Thandaunggyi. This case study investigates the specific difficulties encountered by English teachers and proposes context-specific strategies to address them. By analyzing local factors, we aim to enhance the quality of language instruction and promote effective learning outcomes.
1. Introduction
The global significance of English as a lingua franca emphasizes the importance of effective language teaching. However, localized challenges specific to Thandaunggyi impact the teaching process. In this case study, we explore the difficulties faced by English language educators in our town and suggest practical solutions.
Literature Review
English language teaching
English language class
Difficulties faced by teachers in language classroom
Related research (topic, author, year, background, aim objective, methodology, result, discussion) – 3 journals
Theoretical background __
2. Methodology
2.1 Research Design
– Qualitative Approach: We conducted interviews and focus group discussions with English teachers in Thandaunggyi.
– Participant Selection: A purposive sample of experienced teachers from various educational levels (primary, secondary, and tertiary) participated.
– Data Collection: Semi-structured interviews and group discussions were audio-recorded and written down.
– Data Analysis: Thematic analysis was used to identify recurring themes related to ELT challenges.
3. Findings: Difficulties in English Language Teaching
3.1 Overcrowded Classrooms
– Challenge: Overcrowded classrooms hinder personalized attention.
– Local Context: The typical class size in Thandaunggyi is approximately 40 students.
– Teacher Perspectives: Teachers struggle to engage all students effectively during lessons.
3.2 Lack of Resources
– Challenge: Limited access to teaching materials, textbooks, and technology.
– Local Context: The availability of teaching resources in Thandaunggyi includes printed textbooks, Internet access, and various teaching tools
– Teacher Perspectives: Teachers improvise with minimal resources, affecting lesson quality.
3.3 Student Motivation
– Challenge: Some students lack motivation to learn English.
– Local Context: English is perceived as a foreign language by many students in Thandaunggyi. They often view it as a subject rather than a language, which can affect their motivation.
– Teacher Perspectives: Teachers grapple with disinterested students, impacting overall learning outcomes.
3.4 Parental Expectations
– Challenge: Parental expectations vary, affecting student progress.
– Local Context: Parental involvement in English language education varies in Thandaunggyi. Some parents can support their children’s learning needs, while others may not be able to do so.
– Teacher Perspectives: Balancing parental demands with effective teaching strategies is challenging.
4. Strategies for Addressing Difficulties
4.1 Professional Development
– Local Initiatives: Thandaunggyi offers local workshops, training programs, and professional development opportunities for teachers.
– Recommendations: Advocate for regular workshops, peer mentoring, and collaboration with neighbouring schools.
4.2 Contextualized Materials
– Local Adaptations: [Explore how teachers adapt existing materials to suit the local context.]
Teachers in Thandaunggyi adapt existing materials to suit the local context.
– Recommendations: Create a repository of context-specific teaching resources and share best practices among teachers.
4.3 Community Engagement
– Local Efforts: community-based language programs or events-YWCA English Four Skills Class (Basic to Intermediate)
– Recommendations: Involve parents, community leaders, and local organizations in promoting English language learning.
5. Conclusion
In Thandaunggyi , English language teaching succeeds when educators collaborate, innovate, and adapt to local challenges. By addressing these difficulties, we can create a supportive environment for both teachers and students, ultimately enhancing language proficiency and fostering effective communication.
1. ‘‘Ahamed, M. F.’’(2013). Difficulties and Challenges in Teaching English as the Second and Foreign Language. ‘‘The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2013 Official Conference Proceedings’’. Retrieved from ACLL2013_0140.pdf (iafor.org)
3. Anderson, J.** (2021). Language Teaching in Difficult Circumstances. In *Language Teaching in Difficult Circumstances* (pp. 1-13). The University of Warwick. Retrieved from Language Teaching in Difficult Circumstances (warwick.ac.uk)
4. **ResearchGate** (2021). English Teacher’s Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary to Students with Learning Disabilities. Retrieved from (PDF) English Teacher’s Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary to Students with Learning Disabilities (researchgate.net) 

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