Developmental Topics in the Media
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply developmental concepts to the media we consume.
Step 1: Select a main character from a full-length feature film. Characters chosen must have enough background information present to provide sufficient data for evaluation.
Step 2: Provide a detailed demographic information paragraph regarding the character’s age, gender, occupation, race/ethnicity, relationship status, parental status, relevant family history, etc. Identify the life stage the character is currently in: Infancy, Early/Middle/Late Childhood, Adolescence, or Early/Middle/Late Adulthood.
Step 3: Select an area of development (physical, cognitive, or social/ emotional) and thoughtfully evaluate the character’s progress through the developmental tasks.
Compare/contrast his/her experiences and ideas to the normative development we have discussed in class
How is culture important to the individual’s course of development? Are faith/ spirituality factors present in this character’s development?
How does the character’s social context influence their progress through development?
Step 4: Thoughtfully critique the film’s representation of this life stage
As a consumer, are you satisfied with the quality of presentation regarding this life stage?
In your opinion, was the representation of this life stage an accurate representation? Why or why not?
How do you believe the representation of this life stage affects our cultural beliefs and expectations of the life stage in real life? We will need 4-5 pages and the the writing should be apa.