2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Description: If you are a debater, study in detail your assigned position (and m

July 1, 2024

If you are a debater, study in detail your assigned position (and meet with your partner in debating in a
pair) so that you are prepared to argue that topic’s point of view on your debate day.
My topic is:
The Question: 
Is it possible to “have it all” (be top professionals and attentive parents/partners) when balancing work and life? 
What I have to argue:
My view:
View #2: No, you really can’t have it all!
“It’s time to stop fooling ourselves: the women who have managed to be both mothers and top professionals are superhuman, rich, or self-employed.”
     ~Anne-Marie Slaughter (Why Women Still Can’t Have It AllLinks to an external site.)
The view I am against and arguing with:
View #1: You can have it all!
“Every woman has their own all—yours likely looks different from mine. The point is to figure out what you want and then make it happen.”
     ~Romi Neustadt (You Can Have it All, Just Not at the Same Damn TimeLinks to an external site.)
On debate day, each view will have 10 minutes to make their case using a prepared PowerPoint presentation.
You have 10 minutes to present your side’s view! Make them count.
1. Identify WHAT you want to present during the debate!
• What are your arguments for/against your viewpoint?
• These should be based off of the week’s readings, but can include additional materials.
2. Identify HOW you want to present during the debate! Some ideas:
• Organize your arguments in a PowerPoint presentation.
• Show a brief video snippet that helps make your argument.
• Think about the opposing side’s arguments and try to “rebut” them in advance.
• There are lots of other possibilities, I’m sure! Be creative!
What I have in mind:
Arguments for Your Viewpoint (“No, you really can’t have it all”):
1. Time and Energy Constraints:
– Statistics and Studies:Present data showing the average hours top professionals work and the time required for attentive parenting.
– Physical and Mental Limits: Highlight the physical and mental toll of trying to excel in both areas simultaneously.
2. Role Overload and Burnout:
– Burnout Statistics: Show data on burnout rates among working parents.
– Psychological Impact: Discuss the emotional and psychological effects of juggling demanding careers and parenting.
3. Inequality and Socioeconomic Factors:
– Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Argument: Emphasize the point that only a small, privileged group can truly balance both, often due to wealth, flexible job conditions, or external help.
– Gender Inequality: Highlight how societal expectations and gender roles exacerbate the challenges for women.
4. Quality vs. Quantity:
– Parenting Quality: Argue that being an attentive parent requires not just presence but quality time, which is hard to achieve with a demanding career.
– Professional Dedication: Top professional roles often require beyond-standard dedication, leaving little room for other pursuits.
Presentation Ideas:
1. PowerPoint Structure:
– **Slide 1**: Title and Introduction
– **Slide 2-3**: Time and Energy Constraints (with graphs and charts)
– **Slide 4-5**: Role Overload and Burnout (with statistics and real-life examples)
– **Slide 6-7**: Inequality and Socioeconomic Factors (quoting Anne-Marie Slaughter and other sources)
– **Slide 8**: Quality vs. Quantity Argument
– **Slide 9**: Rebuttal of Opposing Viewpoints
– **Slide 10**: Conclusion
2. **Visual Aids**:
– **Graphs and Charts**: Show data visually to make a stronger impact.
– **Quotes**: Use impactful quotes from credible sources.
– **Images**: Use relevant images to support your arguments and make the presentation engaging.
3. **Video Snippet**:
– Find a brief video clip (1-2 minutes) that illustrates the challenges of balancing a high-powered career and parenting effectively.
4. **Rebuttal Preparation**:
– Anticipate the arguments from the opposing side (e.g., individual definitions of “having it all,” flexibility, and personal choice).
– Prepare concise counterarguments highlighting the unrealistic expectations and societal pressures.
Rebutting Opposing Arguments:
1. **Individual Definitions of “Having It All”**:
– Argue that while definitions may vary, the societal and professional demands remain consistently high, making true balance unattainable for most.
2. **Flexibility and Personal Choice**:
– Highlight that flexibility is often a privilege not available to everyone, and personal choice is limited by economic and social factors.
3. **Success Stories**:
– Acknowledge success stories but emphasize that they are exceptions rather than the norm, often achieved through significant sacrifices.

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