– https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines
– https://federalsafetynet.com/poverty-statistics/
– https://www.aei.org/poverty-studies/poverty-likely-to-increase-as-low-income-households-hit-hardest-by-the-covid-19-economic-crisis/
– https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2022/10/poverty-rate-varies-by-age-groups.html?utm_campaign=20221004msacos1ccstors&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
– https://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1413&context=carsey
– https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/03/19/us-address-impact-covid-19-poor
– https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/income-poverty-health-insurance-coverage.html?utm_campaign=20210914mspios1ccdtanl&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
– https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-dangerous-separation-of-the-american-upper-middle-class/
– https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/10/opinion/coronavirus-us-economy-inequality.html?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_NN_p_20200410&instance_id=17527&nl=morning-briefing®i_id=40171064§ion=topNews&segment_id=24620&te=1&user_id=dcae2b0ff2ea2d81292bc8cf66e4c997
Please put the answers on one MSWord document with your name clearly visible on the MSWord document. Your answer must incorporate at least 4-5 references provided and Ferrante, our textbook. Please use only these refs. The author or name of article should appear in the body of the paper. The essay should also include a Work Cited. The name you used in the body of the paper should appear first in the Work Cited followed by the source and date, and the exact URL where you found the reference.
Social stratification deals with structured inequality in the United States and other societies.
Reading Assignments and Test 3 Questions
Chapter 8 Social Inequality, Chapter 9 Race, Chapter 10 Gender and Sexualities. Answer all the following question. All three questions are required on one MSWord doc – each answer should be approximately one page with documentation and Work Cited at the end. Use a minimum of 4+ references for the paper. For a higher grade use more. You must answer all three questions. I would suggest approximately one college page for each answer and all the references used in the body of the paper at a Work Cited at the end of the essay.
1a. Describe who is poor in the United States in comparison to stereotypes of the poor. Use the official federal guideline as your definition of poverty for NC and the 48 states. What groups are most likely to be in poverty? Why? This is based on income and number of members in the family. How is poverty related to age and region? Document your answer with recent US Census tables, hypertexted for you. How is the economic pie in America divided? How is COVID-19 likely to affect poverty in the US?
1b.What is social mobility? How might you increase your social mobility? What obstacles do you see that might make this difficult? Integrate the article on “College said to Enrich Disadvantaged Students most” that is a pdf file under the instructions. Also see the NY pdf on the American Dream
1c. To what degree are women still discriminated in U.S. society? Integrate the video “The Dangerous Way Ads see Women.” Interview a member of the class to obtain their opinion. Please also post your opinion on the forum one week before the test is due.
Please make sure you integrate at least 4 references in the body of your paper. Include a Work Cited that includes the complete name and URL where you found the information. You should not use quotes, paraphrase please. Quotes show a lazy author, especially for a 3 page paper. For the proper way to document the paper, please see the Model Answer at the top of Moodle. I deduct points if you do not include your name on the MSWord document and for quoting instead of paraphrasing the outside sources.