Describe the overall purpose of the National Disaster Recovery Framework, including the Core Principles, Capabilities and Process essential for all communities to manage and improve recovery more effectively following an incident of any size or scale. Describe the whole community of stakeholders, including their roles and responsibilities during the recovery phase of the disaster. Describe the relevant Statutory and Executive orders and Authority primarily used during the disaster recovery phase.
*Material and research must be derived from the reading material (text and supplemental documents located in respective modules) and classroom lectures. Your assignment must be 6-8 pages in content length—by adding the required title page and citation page your complete assignment will be 8-10 pages in length. If graphs and photos are used for emphasis, they cannot constitute more than 1 page of space in the assignment. A rubric will be used to evaluate your assignment in terms of content, comprehension, analysis as well as grammar, mechanics, and style. Times New Roman, 12 font size, with 1” margins using line spacing of 1.5” and APA style and citation. Be concise and get right to the point but be comprehensive and detailed. Cite the source whenever using an idea that you borrowed from the text (author, year, page #). At all times, you must properly give credit to the original author, otherwise, you may be subject to plagiarism, a violation of FIU’s standards of integrity and honesty in academic matters